Paragraph on A Visit to Hill Station

Excursion trips arranged by different institutions and colleges become a permanent part of a student’s memory. Such trips and tours are the part and parcel of life. It is a really great pleasure to visit a hill station in summer. A poet says.

Praise be to you, O hills!
That thou can breathe into our soul
The secret of your power

Recreational tours enhance our knowledge and experience. They provide us with pleasure and joy. They refresh our mind and increase our capacity for work. As it is said,

Let the mind some relaxation take
To come back to its task
With fresher mind.

It was a pleasant day of summer when the college authorities decided to visit a hill station. The principal sanctioned funds. All the students of my class were excited. We hired a bus and left our college at the nightfall. The bus was new and air-conditioned. The seats were comfortable. Early in the morning, we reached Islamabad. We offered the fajar prayer in Faisal mosque. It was an amazing piece of architecture.

As it is said,

Architecture is a frozen music.

After breakfast, we left for Murree. During the journey to Murree hills we enjoyed the enchanting scene all around. There were tall green trees growing along the road and on the slopes of the hills. The clouds were playing hide and seek mountains. Soon it began to drizzle which changed into heavy shower. After taking bath, the trees were presenting a great natural sight

After some time, we reached Murree. We stayed in a hotel. We took bath, had lunch and rested for sometime. In the evening we got ready and came out to enjoy the fascinating scenes of Murree hills. It was a new experience for me. The valley below the hills looked like a great cup full of beautiful flowers. The cool breeze was fanning our faces and refreshing our minds. It was really a beautiful sight which we can never forget as it is said:

A thing of beauty is joy forever.

We walked on the mall and enjoyed ourselves. Well dressed ladies and gents crowded the mall cafes and tea houses. When we were returning to our hotel, a gentle shower of rain began to fall. We hurried back and reached our hotel.

The next day we planned to visit ‘Patriata’. After an hour’s journey, we reached there. We bought tickets for cable car. It was a novel experience for us. The view beneath simply seemed to be a fairyland. We stayed there for an hour and had a lot of fun. We sang songs and appreciated the enchanting beauty of hills.

In the evening we came back to our hotel at Murree. The next morning, we left Murree for our town. The memories of this trip will remain fresh in our mind for a long time.

The hills provide us the opportunity to refresh ourselves. The natural scenes and beauty of these hills tells us about their creator. It is the only Allah Almighty who was created such spots to appreciate and refresh ourselves.

All I have seen
Touches me to trust
The creator for all
I have not seen

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