Paragraph on My last Day at College

Man is a social animal. He loves not only the people he lives with but also the places he lives in. It may be a house of bricks or an institution of education. It is said about college that

We enter to learn and leave it to serve.

A college is a place where the young generation of a nation sees dreams of a golden future. A college student develops an emotional and close association with his institution. He loves and likes everything of it. As it is said:

Love begets love & hatred begets hatred

All students become like a family in college. They do not even think about their separation. But a day comes when they have to leave college and everything about it. It is the time of real sadness for them.

The same sadness haunted me on my last day at my college. It was a pleasant day of 31st March but it was a day of sadness for me. We were aware of the fact that we were to separate one day which was painful, sad and depressing for all of us.

The moment I entered the college gate I had a feeling that I would not be able to come here again and enjoy my days as I had been before. All the events in past began to move on before my eyes. I could see myself entering the college with a throbbing heart. How I attended different classes on my first day. Then there was a flood of faces and events in which many faces appeared and many disappeared.

The students of first-year received us on the gate on the last day. To make the last day memorable for us, they presented a beautiful twig of rose to each student. It showed their love and close association with us. They also wished us a happy and bright future. There was a beautiful banner hanging on the main gate saying

May your days ahead be filled with
wonderful experiences, lots of love
and all the successes in life.

Every student of the outgoing class entered the classroom with a heavy heart. The professors read our faces and delivered us a pathetic lecture on the role played by meeting and parting in life. After the dismissal of the last class, different groups of students were busy taking autographs from their teachers and their friends. Some of them were talking and promising to be in contact with each other. However, on the whole, there was a tinge of sadness and melancholy all around.

My feelings at that time were a mixture of joys and sorrows. I was happy because I had completed a part of my studies and I was sad because I was parting from my friends.

We were never so happy, nor so unhappy
as we suppose ourselves to be.

I had a last view of the college. First of all, I went to the common room. It was as busy and noisy as ever before. Then, I visited college canteen. It was full of life as usual. Later I walked to the college library. There I found the students busy in depositing and receiving the books.

In the afternoon the students of the 1st year had arranged a party in the honor of their seniors. It was an expression of their love and respect for us. We thanked our teachers and students. They bade us farewell with a mixed feeling of joy and sadness. I said goodbye to everything in the college and went to my home with sweet wishes about my future. To conclude my last day at college is a memorable day of my life. I can never forget it. It will remain fresh in my mind for good.

The post Paragraph on My last Day at College appeared first on The College Study.
