Paragraph on My First Day at College

A student passes through different stages during his educational career. With the passage of time, the memories of some these stages are forgotten and some remain fresh forever. Someone has said:

A college is a place of light, liberty and of learning.

Every schoolboy dream of going to college and entering a new world. My first day at college is a day of happiness, joy, fear and wonderful experience for me. I cannot forget this day. A man should not forget his past. If a man does not remember the pains of past, he cannot enjoy the fragrance of future.

We must always have old memories and young hopes.

I still remember my first day at college. I got the first division in the matriculation examination. My father decided to send me to college. I got admission in the college. I was happy and proud of being a college student. It is well said about colleges.

Colleges are the places where pebbles are polished. We were allocated roll numbers. The timetable was put on notice board and the classes started. Churchill has said.

And solid learning never falls without the verge of college walls

On the first day I reached the college before time. The senior students stood in wait for us at the college gate. They were there to make ‘first-year rools’ of us. They passed funny remarks on us. They ordered us to stand in a line and march. There was no way but to obey. We were full of fear and were trembling. They stamped ‘Taxi’ and ‘fools’. I was very nervous. At 7:30 the college bell rang and four first period started. I did not know where the classroom was. An innocent looking senior boy stood by me. I asked him very respectfully about room No. 7. He took pity on me and conducted me to the room. When I entered the room, I was received with a roar of laughter. It was the room of seniors. I was easily made fool by the innocent looking senior boy. He played a trick on me. It is said:

Experience is the extract of suffering.

Anyhow, I found the room. The lecturer came and began to call the role. It was also a funny scene. Some answered the role call in Urdu and some in The lecturer was very polite and friendly. The lecturer advised us about manners and discipline. When the period was over we moved to another room. Almost all the lectures delivered general lectures. They told us about college life and future. They gave us the impression that they are our friends and there was nothing to be afraid of.

After the last bell we were again caught by the seniors. We were ordered to sing melodious songs. The newcomers were really in trouble. Their dresses had been spoiled, their books had been snatched, tears of helplessness welled up to our eyes, but we bore all this.

Eventually, the president of the college union appeared there. We told him our problem. He smiled and encouraged us to face the situation. However, he helped us and escorted us to the gate of the college. He asked the other students not to harass us. We became happy to be safe so nicely. We know that every dark, cloud has a silver lining. After all, we were going to start a new life of ease and freedom. As it is said:

If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest.

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