Inter Part 1 English Book III (Leisure) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 11: Leisure
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by W.H. Davies. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • The poet complains that modern life is too mechanical and artificial. Men and women are too busy in worldly pursuits. They should spare time to enjoy the beauty of nature. The poet is upset to see that people in present age are extremely busy. They are Crazy about worldly things. They keep on doing one thing after another to be richer and richer. In this struggle they are completely exhausted. They do not have even little time to look at the beautiful surroundings and objects of nature. The poet believes that animals and birds are more fortunate than him as they can roam about among lakes, Valleys and mountains. They can refresh themselves sitting under thick, shady trees. Sadly, however, they have become so busy that they can't spare a leisure time to enjoy nature and beauty around us. The poet draws our attention to the presence of shining stars in the lakes which we can only see during day time. But we do not have time to see this bliss.

Why do you think the poet has given this title to the poem when he is talking about life full of cares with no time to stand and stare? or What is the central theme of the poem?

In the poem Leisure, the poet shares the message that people in the modern era are Crazy about worldly pursuits. They keep on doing one thing after another to earn more money. In this pursuit they are over-worked, tired and unhappy. It is : strange that they earn money through sheer hard work. They do so to attain more joys in life, but in fact they have everything in life except joy. They are so busy in coping with daily routines of life that they have no time to pay attention to the beauty around them. The poet wishes that he had enough time to stand and look at the beauty of nature. He would like to enjoy music, concerts and fascinating | smiles. Sadly, the poet knows that he cannot do so. His life is full of worries and cares, and he cannot even stand and see the beautiful things around him.

Briefly discuss the poem 'Leisure' as a criticism of modern civilization.

In the poem "Leisure", the poet shares the message that people in the modern , era safe Crazy about worldly pursuits. They keep on doing one thing after another to earn more money, in this pursuit they are over-worked, tired and unhappy. It is strange that they earn money through sheer hard work. They do so to attain more joys in life, but in fact they have everything in life except joy. They are so busy in ... coping with daily routines of life that they have no time to pay attention to the beauty around them. The poet wishes that he had enough time to stand and look at the beauty of nature. He would like to enjoy music, concerts and fascinating smiles. Sadly, the poet knows that he cannot do so. His life is full of worries and cares, and he cannot even stand and see the beautiful things around him.

Briefly answer the following questions. or What is the significance of the title of the poem "Leisure"?

The title of the poem suggests that modern man is too busy. He needs Some leisure time to relax and enjoy the beautiful things around.

How does the poet compare men with animals?

The poet observes that animals lead better life than human beings. Unlike men, the animals have plenty of time to see the beauty of nature.

Does the poet really believe that the streams are full of stars?

The poet observes that there are stars in the streams. This refers to the reflection of the stars in the clear water of the streams.

What is meant by the phrase "Beauty's glance"?

In this phrase Beauty means a beautiful maiden. By Beauty's glance the poet suggests that her looks are fascinating.

What message is there in the last two lines?

The poet feels sorry for the modern man whose life is full of worries and cares. He does not have time to see the beautiful things around him.

1st Year English Book