Inter Part 1 English Book III (Ozymandias) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 8: Ozymandias
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by P.B. Shelly. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • In the poem "Ozymandias", the poet criticizes those who become proud after gaining success in life. The poet reminds us that worldly pleasures and Wordly gains are short-lived. The richest person can become poor all of a sudden. Even if everything goes well in lifetime, one has to die after all. He does not take anything with him to his grave. The poet believes that feeling of superiority in man is only an illusion and a self-deception. In the poem "Ozymandias", the poet criticizes those who become proud after gaining success in life. The poet reminds us that worldly pleasures and wordly gains are short-lived. The richest person can become poor all of a sudden. Even if everything goes . well in lifetime, one has to die after all. He does not take anything with him to his grave. The poet believes that feeling of superiority in man is only an illusion and a self-deception.

What kind of feelings does the poem create in the reader's mind?

The poem "Ozymandias' is about the trivial nature of the worldly pursuits. The poet reminds us that worldly pleasures and worldly gains are short-lived. The feeling of superiority in man is only an illusion and self-deception. The statue in the desert indicates a change of fortunes. The commanding figure is reduced to dust. There may be distinctions in one's lifetime, but death levels ail. Man becomes proud by success. He thinks that he has toppled the world. He forgets that life is merciless. Time humbles everyone.

What did the traveller see in the desert?

The traveller sees a statue in the desert. The statue is broken into pieces. It is erected on a base. The poet could see the two legs and the face of the statue. The limbs were scattered here and there. There were impressions printed on the face of the statue. The impressions indicated angry looks and cold attitude.

Give a short character sketch of Ozymandias.

Ozymandias wa a mighty king of his time. He built grand forts and palaces. He estabilished his unchallanged rule in the regime. He was known for his authority, wealth, pomp and show. He toppled one adversary after another. He was a Cruel ruler. He treated his masses with sheer contempt and ridicule. This mighty king who once ruled the world met the same fate as other humans do.

Whom did the poet meet?

The poet met a traveller from a historic place.The traveller told a tale to the poet. What was the tale about? The story was about a great king. He belonged to ancient times and antique land. The name of this king was Ozymandias. What was his rating as a king? Ozymandias was the king of kings who ruled the world. He was acknowledged by all and sundry for his authority, wealth, pomp and show.

Briefly describe his achievements.

Ozymandias was the king of kings. He built grand forts and palaces. He mustered ۔ enormous wealth. He toppled his adversaries one after another.

How did the poet come to know Ozymandias?

The poet came to know Ozymandias through a traveller. The traveller told him that the statue of the king was scattered in a desert.

What did the statue reveal about the king?

The statue was a masterpiece. The sculptor was able to portray the king's mind-set through the language of stone.

What is the message from the king?

These words appeared on the statue "My name is Ozymandias. Look at me. Look at my achievements. All my glorious past has ended in Smoke."

1st Year English Book