Inter Part 1 English Book III (The Hallow Men) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 10: The Hallow Men
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by T.S. Eliot. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • In the poem "The Hollow Men" the poem suggests that modern man does not have natural qualities. In this age of 'machine' he is just an artificial piece, maybe a showpiece. Modern men do not think deeply and critically. They speak but they do not have any real message to share. They lack enthusiasm and real zest for life. Their life lacks beauty and colour. They are too cold and frozen. They seem to be walking Souls, but they are not alive in the real sense of the word.

What does the title of the poem 'The Hollow Men'suggest?

The title of the poem The Hollow Men'suggests that modern man is not leading a natural life. He is shallow and superficial.

What does the phrase the 'stuffed men' mean?

The phrase the 'stuffed men' mean that modern man is not really alive. He has been just protected to make him look alive.

Why has modern man taken shelter in his dry cellar?

Modern man has taken shelter in his dry cellar because he has lost contact with outside world. His social contacts are minimal.

Does modern man has any message to share?

The poet believes that modern man does not think deeply and critically. He talks but he has no real message to share.

What has made modern man paralysed?

The modern man lacks enthusiasm in life. His activities are mechanical. This has made his life paralysed.

Write down a critical note on the poem

The poem 'The Hollow Men' is written by T.S. Eliot. The poet is known for his highly critical views regarding the modern civilization. In some other poems such as "Wasteland' the poet regrets that modern man is leading a mechanical life. He is spiritually barren. He does not have creative impulse.

Why does the poet call modern men as hollow men?

The poet calls modern men as hollow men because their activities have become mechanical. They are no more real men. They are like robots. They worship money, power and status. They are men of low stature becuase they do not think deep, and they do not think critically. As a result they cannot even think purposefully. For these reasons they are hollow men and women.

What is the poet trying to say in the last stanza of the poem?

According to the poet we live in the age of machines. Our behaviour and activities have become mechanical. We are no more real men. We are like robots. We are hollow men. We live in a "Wasteland". We exist because we have been physically protected, or chemically treated. Our skull is filled in with certain notions, but we do not really think. We do not think deeply and critically. Our voices have Sound and vibration, but they are without emotion. We speak but we do not communicate purposefully. Our voice is just like sound of wind or sound of animals. We are confined and imprisoned in our own dark cellars.

1st Year English Book