Inter Part 1 English Book III (The Feed) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 9: The Feed
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • The poet pays tribute to the love of mothers towards the young ones. Mother's love is universal. She may be a bird or a human being, she shares the common traits with all the mothers. Sacrifice is the most notable element of a mother.

How many young ones are to be fed?

There are ten young ones who are waiting to be fed by the mother.

Why does the mother sparrow hold a grain of millet in her beak?

The mother sparrow is holding a grian of millet in her beak because she wants to feed her offsprings. They are ten in number.

What challenge does the mother face in feeding the young ones?

The mother sparrow has only one grain of millet in her beak. All the ten young ones are eager to be fed first. The challenge the mother is facing is how to feed all the young ones at the same time.

How does the mother feed them one grain at the same time?

The mother breaks the tiny grain into ten pieces. Thus she is able to feed all of them at the same time.

What message does the mother give to the young ones?

The mother quietly tells the young ones that they can't break the grain into ten pieces because they are too young.

What is the message of the poem?

The message of the poem is that love of mother for the young ones is proverbial. She loves to sacrifice her comfort for the young ones.

Explain the last three lines with reference to the context.

The mother is able to break the grain into ten pieces. Thus she is able to feed all of them at a time. She looks at the little ones in amazement. Can they break the grains into ten pieces?
If they can't do so why are they making so much hue and cry? Why does the mother split the tiny grain into ten pieces? She splits it into ten pieces because she can't deprive anyone.

Write a critical appreciation of the poem.

The poem "The Feed' is written by a renowned Urdu poet, Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi. The poet has used simple diction. There is a vivid dramatic description of the event. The poet depicts the love of a mother for her young ones who are a few days old. The new born are in the nest. The mother sparrow goes out and brings a grain of millet in her beak to feed the young ones. She does it successfully.

What do you feel after reading the poem?

The poet The Feed expresses the love of mother for the young ones. Mother may be human, bird, mammal or insect, but it has only one name: mother. This reminds us of our own childhood days. The mother rendered every sacrifice to feed us, to nurse us, and to educate us. We know and feel this even more when we are departed of her love and grace. No Wonder, she is an earthly paradise.

Describe the main idea of the poem 'The Feed'. OR What has the poet described in the poem?

The poem "The Feed" has a universai theme. It expresses the love of mother for the young ones. Mother may be human, bird, mammal or insect, but it has only one name: mother. In this poem we see a mother feeding her ten young ones, one by one, and grain by grain. She never feels tired. The more she feeds them, the more she feels happy. A loving sparrow mother joins beak by beak as she feeds the tiny ones. She wants to make them feel happy. The little sparrows also keep on looking at their mother. Each one of them wants to be fed first because she thinks her mother loves her most. But the mother has to choose whom to feed first.

1st Year English Book