Inter Part 1 English Book III (Times) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 7: Times
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been selected from Ecclesiastes. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • As the title of the poem "Times" suggests the poet shares a message that the things should be done at right time. He argues for this idea by giving many examples. There is a set schedule for seasons. They come on time and end On tinne. There is a Set schedule for sowing seeds, ploughing and watering the plants, and for reaping the harvest. Human life has also a schedule. Allah decides for each person when to give life and when to cause death. In human relations certain actions look good only at proper times.
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    • ##fa fa-infocircle##  Stanzas
      • To everything there is a season,
        And a time to every purpose under the heaven;
        A time to be born,
        And a time to die,
        A time to plant,
        And a time to pluck up that which is planted.
        These lines have been taken from the poem "Times".
        Time is a great gift of Allah Almighty. Time is, in fact, life which keeps on melting away. We have many goals in our life, but time is limited. The real challenge for us is not how much time we spend, but how well we spend it.
        Allah has created the universe with a sublime purpose and a scheme. Everything works according to laws. These are called laws of Nature. There is a time for every season. There is a time to come and a time to go. Like time of the season there is time for everything to happen. If they happen at the right time, they become valuable. This is a law & of nature which regulates life and death. Like laws of life and death there are laws of farming. There is a time for sowing the seed. There is a time for ploughing the field and for watering the plants. Finally, there is a time for plucking the fruit and for reaping the harvest.

        A time to break down,
        And a time to buildup,
        A time to weep,
        And a time to dance;
        A time to cast away stones,
        And a time to gather stones together.
        These lines have been taken from the poem "Times".
        Time is the most valuable resource. Time is the key factor behind all laws of Nature. There is a time for every season. There is a time to be born and die, and to plant and pluck the fruit.
        In real life, sometime we have good times and sometime bad times. At times we are happy and at times sad. Sometime we enjoy good health and sometime we suffer from a fatal disease. Sometime our business prospers and sometime it badly fails. Sometime our dreams are shattered and we start crying. Sometime we have a lucky success and we are so happy that we start jumping and dancing. In another dimension we see different shades of life. Sometime we destroy old buildings and sometime we rebuild them. We destroy them because their life has ended, and they are no longer safe to live. So we cast away their stones. And later when we need we start the rebuilding work. We gather the scattered stones to complete this task.

        And a time to refrain from embracing;
        A time to get,
        And a tine to lose;
        A time to keep,
        And a time to cast away;
        A time to rend,
        And a time to sew,
        A time to keep silence,
        And a time to speak.
        These lines have been taken from the poem "Times".
        The poet carries on the same argument that doing right thing at a right time makes the real difference. In real life, sometimes we have good times and sometimes bad times. It would be inappropriate to laugh in a sad environment.
        Emotions are part of life. There are times when you express emotions of love and friendship in a warm way. There are situations, however, when someone may behave proudly by taking your sincere love for granted. This is the time to respond in cold and indifferent way. This may make your partner realize your importance. These different attitudes may be equally good in different situations. Likewise, getting something and - losing something are also opposite of each other, and they may be equally good in different situations. For instance, one succeeds in his mission and is rewarded for it. Another time his nation is attacked by enemies, and he sacrifices his life in defending his nation. Here he has lost something, but this personal loss may save his nation from slavery. Same is the case with keeping and giving away. Generally it is good to save something for rainy days. Another time there may be a disaster which causes suffering to many people. This is the time when you should spend as much as possible. The poet carries this argument further.

Explain the message in the first eight lines of the poem "Times' in your own words.

The poet says that Allah has created the universe with a sublime purpose and a scheme. There is a time for everything to happen. There is a time for every season. There is a time to come in this world and there is a time to depart. Likewise there is a time for sowing the seed, and there is a time for ploughing the field, for watering the plants, and for reaping the harvest. Joy and grief play hide and seek in our life. Sometime we are very happy and sometime very sad. Read the poem and complete the lines.

What is the role of time in human life?

Time plays an important role in human life. There is a time for every human being to be born and a time to die. The schedule of life and death does not change even for a moment.

How important is the time for a gardener and a farmer?

The gardener and the farmer need to be very punctual. They must sow the seeds on time, and they must pluck the flowers and reap the harvest on time.

What is the significance of time for a business man?

Businessmen have good times and bad times. Sometime their business flourishes and sometime miserably fails.

What is the significance of time for a builder?

Sometime the builder has to raze an old building to the ground because it is not safe enough. Another time he builds it again.

What is the significance of time in human relations?

Time plays a significant role in human relations. Sometimes the two persons are bosom friends, and another time they become bitter enemies.

1st Year English Book