How to download TikTok Videos on Android, PC and iOS?

Download TikTok Videos on Android, PC, and iOS without Watermark

How to download TikTok Videos oyehoyetech

The Downloading of TikTok Videos with and without the watermark for Android, PC, and iOS is so easy that anyone can do it. its an easy but to the point method. I am going to tell you that how can you download TikTok Videos Step by Step! 

Introduction of TikTok:

TikTok is a social media platform where you can make and share videos of all types with various effects using the latest editing tools. TikTok is the top downloaded app on Android and iOS. TikTok provides the feature of making videos of 15 and 60 seconds. It is the latest version of Musically app with a new name.

There are many ways of Downloading TikTok videos with and without Watermark. I am going to tell TikTok videos downloading for Android, PC, and iOS!

Downloading of TikTok Videos for Android and iOS
How to download TikTok Videos oyehoyetech

With Watermark

  • The first method I am going to tell you to download TikTok videos is for Android and iOS both
  1. Open TikTok on your phone and select the video you want to download.
  2. Click the share icon and select Save video.
  3. This will automatically save the video on your phone's local storage.
    How to download TikTok Videos oyehoyetech
(Downloading TikTok videos like this will have a huge watermark on them)

Without Watermark

There are some Apps by using them you can download TikTok Videos without watermarking. I am going to suggest one of the most popular App and it is Video Downloader for TikTok – No Watermark

The way toward downloading TikTok videos without the watermark is truly straight forward, tap on the share icon on the video you need to download, and afterward select the video downloader for the TikTok app, and you are finished.

Likely you can also use Snaptube App to download TikTok videos. But since it does not comply with the policy of Google, it is not available in the Play Store. Click HERE to download.

TikTok Modded App

You can use the modded APK of TikTok instead of using the official TikTok app. Modded APK of TikTok has been adjusted to open features and limitations of the official TikTok app. It's not available on Google Play Store because it does not comply with policies set by Google.

Downloading of TikTok Videos for PC:

The TikTok watermark is a gigantic irritation some of the time since it hides parts of the frame. At the point when you simply need to watch these videos on your phone, that watermark gets irritating truly quick.
TikTok downloader is a web app, which means it is available on any platform. You need your browser to access it.
There some websites where downloading TikTok videos option available, just copy the TikTok vides URL and paste it on PC's browser and select the format to download on PC.
How to download TikTok Videos oyehoyetech


1. SSS TikTok
2. Techsyon
3. musicallydown
4. snaptik
5. ttdownloader

You can open these sites also on mobile browsers to download TikTok Videos on Android and iOS.