What are the best scholarships in the world to study Information Technology?

scholarships in information technology

Information technology is one of the most important and prominent specializations in the world, which a large number of students from all over the world dream of studying, and the information technology specialization requires large financial costs.

scholarships in information technology
scholarships in information technology


If desired student in study this specialization abroad, so the physical barrier may stand front dreams Aladedmn students who find in system scholarships last hope to achieve their dreams, specialization has emerged information technology result great development witnessed world, contributed the existence computer And other inventions give this specialty great importance.


The duration of the study of the information technology major is four years, at the end of which the student obtains a bachelor’s degree in information technology. During which he delves into studying the specialization of information technology , at the end of which he submits a master’s thesis in the field of information technology. If the student wishes to obtain a doctorate in the field of information technology, he must study for five years, at the end of which he submits a doctoral thesis in the field of information technology.


During the years of study, the student studies a number of courses, the most prominent of which are the basics of information technology, computer science and computer engineering, database and network management, electronic and informatics management, communications and computing programs, information and network systems management, and a number of courses of a commercial and financial nature.


But if the student is unable to enroll in an international university that studies information technology for financial reasons, he can achieve his dream through student grants offered by international universities, charitable institutions and government institutions, which are looking for outstanding students who wish to complete their studies, to partially or partially cover the expenses of their studies. Overall, what are the best scholarships in the world to study information technology ? The answer you will find in the next lines.


What are the best scholarships in the world to study Information Technology?


1- Max Planck Institute Scholarships :


It is a group of student scholarships offered by the Max Planck Institute of the Department of Computer Science at the German University of Saarland to international students from all over the world to obtain a research doctorate in computer science, and this scholarship includes living and study costs.


2- German Academic Exchange Service :


Known as the scholarship, DAAD this scholarship is offered to students from all over the world who wish to study information technology at a German university. The student can get this scholarship must prove his academic excellence in the stage prior to the stage in which he will study.


3. University Technology in Sydney :


It is a group of the most important and best student scholarships in the world offered by the Australian University of Sydney to students from all over the world, to study information technology for a period of three years, and this scholarship covers living and travel costs, and in order for the student to apply for this scholarship must achieve a high rate in the academic stage which precedes the stage in which it will be studied.


4- UNESCO Scholarships in Poland :


It is a set of grants offered by the UNESCO Foundation in partnership with the Polish National Commission for UNESCO for students from African, Asian, European and Latin American countries to study information technology at a Polish university. Peoples, and the number of these grants forty annual grants, and these grants include the costs of living and study.


5- Metropolitan University of London Scholarships :


It is a group of student scholarships offered by the Metropolitan University of London to students from all over the world, who wish to study information technology in it. The scholarship amount is distributed.


6- University of Illinois Scholarships :


It is a group of scholarships offered by the University of Illinois to international students from all over the world who wish to study information technology at this university. The scholarship includes living costs, tuition fees, and an amount of $1,500 provided to the student on a monthly basis.


7. Roskilda University Scholarships :


It is a group of student scholarships offered by the Danish University of Roskilda to international students from outside the European Union wishing to study in it. This scholarship includes an exemption from full tuition fees for one year with the possibility of extending it for another ten months, in addition to the amount of 7800 Danish kroner per month, in order to cover the costs of the living.


8- University of East Anglia Scholarships :


It is a group of student scholarships offered by the British University of East Anglia to international students from all over the world who wish to obtain a doctorate in the field of information technology in it.


9. Simmons Foundation Scholarships :


It is a group of grants offered by the American Simmons Foundation, which was established in 1994, for students from the African continent to study information technology at an American university. This grant includes living costs and tuition fees. The application for this grant ends in the middle of the following months: January March, May, July, September and November every year.


10- University of Westminster Scholarships :


It is a group of grants offered by the University of Westminster to international students wishing to study a master’s degree in information technology at a British university. This scholarship is awarded during the month of October of each year.


11- Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarships :


This scholarship is one of the most important and best scholarships in the world to study information technology, and it is intended for students who have a bachelor’s or master’s degree outside Germany, to complete a master’s or doctoral study in the field of information technology, and this scholarship covers study costs, and it gives students an amount of 750 euros per month to Help them cover living expenses.

These are the most prominent scholarships in the world to study information technology , through which the student can achieve his dreams, and in conclusion, we hope that we will be successful in answering the question we asked at the beginning, which is what are the scholarships in the world to study information technology