Write a Paragraph on and Traffic Jam by answering the following questions

Write a paragraph on 'Traffic Jam' by answering the following questions.

(a) What is traffic jam? ট্রাফিক জাম ( যানজট কি? )
(b) By whom or how is this problem created? (কিভাবে বা কার দ্বারা এই সমস্যা সৃষ্টি হয় ?)
(c) At which places of a city or a town does traffic jam usually occur? (শহর বা নগরের কোন স্থানে সচরাচর যানজট ঘটে ?)
(d) What things happen for traffic jam? ( কারণে কোন ঘটনা ঘটে ?)
(e) How can this problem be solved? (কিভাবে সমাধান করা যায় ?)

Paragraph for all class students in Bangladesh

Traffic Jam (যানজট)

Traffic jam means blockade of vehicles on road and streets. Traffic jam is a problem of the urban areas. There are a number of reasons for traffic jam. 

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  • Traffic jam Paragraph PDF

Many unlicensed and unauthorised rickshaws ply on the roads and streets. Even many car drivers, bus drivers and truck drivers do not obey traffic rules. Sometimes they are seen parking their vehicles at any place of a road in an indisciplined manner, which causes traffic jam. 

Again, some roads, lanes and by-lanes are very narrow. The roads and streets are often dug for development work. 

This is also a reason for traffic jam. Illegal parking, unauthorised shops and markets on the roadside spaces also cause traffic jam. 

Traffic jams are regularly seen at the intersections of streets and railway level crossings. In our daily activities we cannot become fast and punctual because traffic jams kill our time. 

The patient going to hospital suffers on roads waiting for an unlimited period of time. School boys and girls cannot reach their schools in time. The office going people become late to reach their office. Shops and markets should be removed from the roadsides. 

In some places of the cities, the government should build fly-over. I hope this problem will be solved in the near future as our government is taking all possible steps in this regard.

Keyword TagsTraffic jam paragraph for HSC, Traffic jam paragraph for class 6, ট্রাফিক জ্যাম প্যারাগ্রাফ বাংলা, Traffic jam Paragraph Bangladesh, Traffic jam paragraph 250 words, Traffic jam paragraph 200 words, Traffic jam paragraph for class 10, What is traffic jam

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