Application to the principal to improve medical facilities in college

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City),

Respected Sir,

With due respect. I wish to state that I am a student of intermediate part-I in your esteemed institution. Sir, as a newcomer to this college. I want to narrate an incident in which I had to suffer last week. While playing basketball in the college court I slipped and fell flat on the hard floor. As a result, my head started bleeding. My playmates rushed to the college dispensary and requested for first aid. It was quite unfortunate that they could not find even a single bundle of cotton and antiseptic lotion or any pain killer. Then they called the Rescue 1122 and I was provided the first aid after half an hour. It is my humble request that you should take prompt notice of this situation and order to improve the medical facilities in the college dispensary so that such unpleasant situations can be averted in the future.

We shall be grateful for your concern.

May 15, 2018

Yours obediently.
X. Y. Z.

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