Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2018 10+2 Navik GD Apply Online

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Indian Coast Guard (ICG) invites online applications from Male Indian Citizens for recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty) in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union. The last date for submission of online registration is 2nd January 2018.


Name of Post

Age Limit

Pay, Perks and Others Benefits

Navik (General Duty)

Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years i.e. between 01 Aug 1996 to 31 Jul 2000 (both dates inclusive). Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.

On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed in Basic pay ₹ 21700/- (Pay Level-3) plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/ place of posting as per the regulation enforced time to time.

Educational Qualification: 10+2 (Matric with 12th Class) passed with 50% marks aggregate in total and minimum 50% aggregate in Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Central/State Government. (5 % relaxation in above minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST)

Selection Procedure: The Online Applications will be sorted out Centre wise. The conduct of test is planned during the month of February - March 2018. The Selection procedure is as follows:-

(a) Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for a particular examination Centre.
(b) The qualifying cut off percentage (%) of a particular Centre may be increased if more number of applications with higher percentage is received.
(c) The written examination will be of objective type, which will generally cover subjects such as Maths, Physics, basic Chemistry, knowledge of English upto 12th standard, general knowledge, current affairs, quantitative aptitude and reasoning etc.
(d) Those who qualify written examination will undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and the testing procedure will take about 2 days. Physically Challenged candidates are not eligible to apply for this examination.
(e) Physical Fitness Test (PFT): PFT will be conducted for all those who qualify the written tests. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser etc). The PFT will consists of, (i) 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, (ii) 20 Squat ups, (iii) 10 Push up. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.
(f) Candidates who qualify the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) will only be required to undergo initial recruitment medical examination at the respective recruitment Centres or any other place as decided by the Indian Coast Guard.
(g) Based on the performance in the written examination, candidates will be shortlisted for initial recruitment medical examination (Preliminary) in a ratio as may be decided by the Indian Coast Guard. Mere declaration of fit in initial medical examination does not indicate selection of the candidate for the final medical at INS Chilka.
(h) The select list will be prepared from the candidates who qualify in all the tests depending upon the available vacancies. The Zone wise select list of candidates will be displayed in the Indian Coast Guard Website in the month of July 2018.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates Apply Online through Join Indian Coast Guard Website. The last date for submission of online applications is 02/01/2018.

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Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging career to young and dynamic Indian male candidates for various branches as an Assistant Commandant (Group 'A' Gazetted Officer) in GD, GD (Pilot) and CPL (SSA) Branch Excellent Opportunity for Men to become Officer in Indian Coast Guard - 02/2018 Batch. The closing date for submission of online applications is 2nd December 2017.




Age (Born Between)

General Duty


01 July 1993 to 30 June 1997 (Both dates inclusive)

General Duty (Pilot)


01 July 1993 to 30 June 1999 (Both dates inclusive)

Pilot (CPL) - Short Service Appointment


01 July 1993 to 30 June 1999 (Both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualifications:

General Duty ->

(1) Candidates who have passed Bachelor's degree from any recognised university with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (i.e, 1st Semester to 8th Semester for BE/B.Tech Course or 1st year to last year for Bachelor Degree Candidates wherever applicable).
(2) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate in mathematics and physics. (Candidates not in possession of Physics and Maths in 10+2( intermediate) or equivalent level are not eligible for General Duty (GD) and General Duty (Pilot).

Pilot (CPL) ->

(1) Matric with 12th class pass with 60% marks in aggregate and should posses current/valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL) issued/ validated by DGCA on the date of submission of application.

Selection Process: Short Listing of Applications, Preliminary Selection, Final Selection, Medical, CPSS, Validity of Selection, (g)    Reasons for Rejection and Merit List.

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates apply online only through Join Indian Coast Guard Website. The Last date for applying online is 02/12/2017 till 17:00 Hrs.

Applications are invited from Indian male candidates for recruitment to the post of Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union. The Indian Coast Guard Yantrik Online Registration open from 6th September 2017 and close on 13th September 2017.

Join Indian Coast Guard Excellent Opportunity for Diploma Holders to join as Yantrik 01/2018 Batch (Course Commencing February 2018)

Name of the Post

Age Limit

Pay and Allowances


18 to 22 Years i.e. born between 01 Feb 1996 to 31 Jan 2000 (both date inclusive, upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC category candidates)

On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed in Basic Pay ₹ 29200/- (Pay Level-5). In addition, you will be paid Yantrik Pay @ ₹ 6200/- (7th pay commission implementation) plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/ place of posting as per the regulation enforced time to time.

Educational Qualification: 10th Class or equivalent and Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics and Telecommunication (Radio/ Power) Engineering approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) with 60% in aggregate (5% relaxation in above minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST candidates and Outstanding sports person of National Level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events at the Open National Championship/ Interstate National Championship. This relaxation will also be applicable to the wards of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service).

Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for Recruitment Tests such as Written Examination, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Medical Exam. The Written Test will be held at Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Noida.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates apply online through Join Indian Coast Guard Official Website. The online registration of application will be open from 06/09/2017 and close on 13/09/2017 up to 17:00 Hours.

The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging career to young and dynamic Indian male candidates for various branches as an Assistant Commandant (Group 'A' Gazetted Officers) in GD,GD(P) and CPL(SSA) Branch. The Online registration start from 24th June 2017 and close on 2nd July 2017.



Age (Born Between)

General Duty


01 Jul 1993 to 30 Jun 1997 (Both dates inclusive)

General Duty (Pilot)


01 Jul 1993 to 30 Jun 1999 (Both dates inclusive)

Pilot (CPL)


01 Jul 1993 to 30 Jun 1999 (Both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualifications:

General Duty -> Should hold a Bachelor’s degree of recognised University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (i.e. 1st Semester to 8th Semester for BE/B.Tech or 1st year to last year for Bachelor Degree Candidates wherever applicable). Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10 + 2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate marks in Maths & Physics [Candidates not in possession of Physics & Maths in 10 + 2 (Intermediate) level are not eligible for General Duty (GD) & General Duty (Pilot)].

Pilot (CPL) -> Matric with 12th class pass with 60% marks in aggregate and should possess current/ valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL) issued/ validated by DGCA on the date of submission of application.

Selection Process:

(a) Short Listing of Applications -> Shortlisting criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks in the qualifying examination and the qualifying cut off for a particular branch or centre may be increased more than 60% if more applications with higher % are received.
(b) Preliminary Selection -> Shortlisted candidates will be called for Preliminary Selection at given date and time which will consist of Mental Ability Test/Cognitive Aptitude Test and Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP & DT). The aptitude tests will be in English only and will be objective type. During PP & DT the candidates are expected to speak and discuss in English. However they are free to speak in Hindi if they wish to do so. Date/time and venue of Preliminary Selection once allotted will not be changed at any stage.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested Candidates are required to Apply Online through Indian Coast Guard Website. The Online registration of application start from 24/06/2017 and close on 02/07/2017 up to 17:00 Hours.

Applications are invited from Indian male candidates for recruitment to the post of Navik {Domestic Branch (Cook & Steward)} in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union. The Online application will be accepted from 3rd June to 9th June 2017.

Navik (Domestic Branch) 10th Entry - 02/2017 Batch

Name of Post / Entry

Age Limit

Pay & Allowances

Navik (Domestic Branch) 10th Entry - 02/201 7 Batch

18 to 22 years as on 1st October 2017 i.e. born between 01  Oct. 1995 to 30 Sep. 1999, both dates inclusive. (Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates).

Starting Basic Pay Scale for Navik (DB) is ₹ 21700/- (7th pay commission recommendation). Plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the regulation enforced time to time.

Educational Qualifications: 10th (Matric) class with 50% marks in aggregate from a Board of Education recognized by Central/ State Government. (5% relaxation in above minimum cut off will be given for SC/ST candidates and outstanding sports person of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events at the Open National Championship/ Interstate National Championship. This relaxation will also be applicable to the ward of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service).

Medical Standards:

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Enrolled Personnel on entry.
(b) Height: Minimum height 157 cms. Reduction in height for candidates from hilly areas and tribal areas will be in accordance with the Central Govt. orders.
(c) Chest: Should be well proportioned. Minimum expansion 5 cms.
(d) Weight: Proportionate to height and age +-1 0 percentage acceptable.
(e) Hearing : Normal. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination.
(f) Visual Standard : 6/36 (Better Eye) and 6/36 (Worse Eye).
(g) Tattoo : Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body. However certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal areas communities as declared by the Govt. of India. For other candidates permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand.

Selection Procedure: The ‘Online’ Applications will be sorted out Centre wise. The conduct of test is planned during the month of Jun 2017. The Selection procedure is as follows:-

(a) Short-listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of marks for a particular examination Centre.
(b) The qualifying cut off percentage (%) of a particular Centre may be increased if more number of applications with higher percentage is received.
(c) The written examination will be of objective type, which will generally cover subjects Quantitative Aptitude, Mathematics, General Sciences, General English, General Awareness (Current Affairs & General Knowledge) and Reasoning (Verbal & Non-Verbal).
(d) Those who qualify written examination will undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Initial Medical Examination (Preliminary). The testing procedure will take 2-3 days. Physically Challenged candidates are not eligible to apply for this examination.
(e) Physical Fitness Test (PFT): PFT will be conducted for all those who qualify the written tests. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser etc.). The PFT will consist of, 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes. 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak) 1 0 Push up. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.
(f) Candidates who qualify the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) will only be required to undergo initial recruitment medical examination at the respective recruitment Centres or any other place as decided by the Indian Coast Guard.
(g) Based on the performance in the written examination, candidates will be shortlisted for medical examination in a ratio as may be decided by the Indian Coast Guard. Mere declaration of fit in initial medical examination does not indicate selection of the candidate for the final medical at INS Chilka.
(h) The select list will be prepared from the candidates who qualify in all the tests depending upon the available vacancies. The Zone wise select list of candidates will be displayed in the Indian Coast Guard Website in the month of October 2017. It is clarified that merit list will be zone wise and not centre wise.

How to Apply: Applications will be accepted ‘Online only’ from 03 to 09 Jun 2017 till 17:00 Hrs. On successful submission of the online application a unique Application/ Registration number will be provided to the candidates. Candidates must note down this application number for future reference and for retrieval/ reprint of e-Admit card. Applicants to take print out of the e-Admit card through Join Indian Coast Guard Website from 13 to 18 Jun 2017.

Indian Coast Guard (ICG), an Armed Force of the Union, invites applications from male Indian nationals possessing educational qualifications and age, as prescribed below, for recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty). The last date for submission of online applications is 22nd March 2017.


Name of Post

Age Limit

Pay & Allowances

Navik (General Duty)

18 to 22 Years [i.e. between 01 Aug 1995 to 31 Jul 1999 (Both dates inclusive)].  Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.

Starting Basic Pay Scale for Navik (GD) is ₹ 21700/- (7th pay commission recommendation). Plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the regulation enforced time to time.

Educational Qualification: 10 (Matric) +2 passed with 50% marks aggregate in total and minimum 50% aggregate in Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Central/State Government.

Medical Standards:

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Enrolled Personnel on entry.
(b) Height - Minimum height 157 cms. Reduction in height for candidates from hilly and tribal areas will be in accordance with the Central Govt. orders.
(c) Chest - Should be well proportioned. Minimum expansion 5 cms.
(d) Weight - Proportionate to height and age +10% acceptable.
(e) Hearing - Normal. (Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination)
(f) Visual Standards - 6/6 (Better Eye) and 6/9 (Worse Eye) (Candidates using
glasses are not eligible)

Selection Process: Written Exam, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Initial Medical Examination (Preliminary). The conduct of test is planned during the month of April 2017.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates are required to Apply Online through Join Indian Coast Guard Website. The closing date for online registration is 22/03/2017. For any query email to

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