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- ##fa fa-bookmark## Poem 1: The Rain
- This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by W.H. Davies. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics i.com first year students.
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- ##fa fa-info-circle## Summary
- In the poem "The Rain" the poet observes that Nature is a gift of Allah Almighty and rain is a beautiful natural phenomenon. The poet believes that rain is a great blessing, but poor people can not enjoy it much. They cannot appreciate this beauty as they have other problems to take care of. They suffer in wet cold weather. Soon this gloomy situation takes a happy turn. After the rain the sun shines. All creatures enjoy this change. Even poor people heave a sigh of relief. The scene of Sunshine after the rain is lovely and soothing.