Inter Part 1 English Book III (O Where are you going) Exercises

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    • ##fa fa-bookmark##  Poem 4: O Where Are You Going
      • This chapter is from the 11th class English book 3 and it has been written by W.H.Auden. we have presented the important questions and main idea of this chapter for the intermediate (first year) fsc fa ics first year students.
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    • ##fa fa-info-circle##  Summary
      • The poet depicts a conflict between the persons who are too careful and cowardly, and those who act bravely. The poet believes that the heroic deeds are more Valuable than timid reflections. The path is unpleasant, and the journey is too long and uncertain. The rider refuses to listen to what the reader is saying. The rider is determined to carry on his journey. He is hopeful that he will conquer fears. The rider gives a clear message that the path to glory is paved with dangers, but still it is worth treading.

What kind of feelings does the poet create in the minds of the readers?

The poet first creates the feeling of fear in the minds of the readers. Later he Creates the feeling of bravery. Finally bravery overcomes fear.

What do you feel after reading the poem?

At the start of the poem fear prevails upon us. Gradually we come across brave people who were able to achieve their mission in challenging situations. This gives us a hope and we feel more determinea.

What does the title of the poem signify?

The title of the poem suggests that there is a traveller who has lost sight of his destination. He is groping in darkness. The poet suggests to the traveller that he should move towards a sure goal.

Explain the third stanza of the poem in your own words. or Briefly comment on "O where are you Going' as a symbolic poem.

This is a symbolic poem. The reader, fearer and horror are symbols of cowardice. On the other hand, the rider, farer and hearer are symbols of courage and boldness.

What does the reader say to the rider?

The reader tells the rider that the road to his destination is full of risks and dangers. The path is unpleasant and the journey is too long and uncertain.

What does fearer say to farer?

The fearer warns the farer of the danger of the dusk. Darkness is approaching, which may delay his journey.

What does horror say to hearer?

The horror makes the hearer aware of supernatural happenings. He warns him that strange horrible creatures may appear in the form of beautiful birds, which may harm the hearer.

What does rider say to reader?

The rider tells the reader to go away at once and never come back again. He tells him that his timid suggestions will never dampen his spirits.

What is the message of the poem?

The message of the poem is that one should be determined to face challenges in life. The path to glory is paved with dangers, but still it is worth treading.

Describe the common traits of reader, fearer and horror.

This is a symbolic poem. The reader, fearer and horror are symbols of cowardice. They are victim of fear. They lack faith and conviction. Therefore, they cannot take any bold step in life. Still worse, they discourage others who want to act boldly in life. Their approach to life is negative. They see danger in everything and are suspicious about the successful outcome of any challenging expedition.

Describe the common traits of rider, farer and hearer.

This is a symbolic poem. The rider, farer and hearer are symbols of courage and boldness. These brave ones want to take on challenging mission. They continue their journey with faith and conviction. Thus, they are able to conquer fears. Their approach to life is positive. They are full of hope and are ever ready to combat risky missions. They never look back. Even in adverse situations they are able to keep their spirits alive.

1st Year English Book