How to forget an impossible love in 7 keys

For some people, forgetting an impossible love is the most difficult task of their lives, forgetting a love that is still latent in our hearts.

Heartbreak is the new emotional disease of today, we get excited, we surrender without a lifeline in a relationship and when this has come to an end we have to do magic tricks to fight with feelings that are still there .

We Google everything related to forgetting that person who for reasons has decided not to stay with us. And worst of all, we begin to fight with ourselves for loving someone who loves us.

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I think that the task would not be to completely forget someone who helped us awaken the best feelings that we carry inside. For me the essential point is to learn to live with it and not focus on forgetting. Sometimes we overlook what we really deserve in a relationship, which is why it is so difficult for us to completely let go of that unrequited love.