Find latest collection of Funny Jokes . We are presenting here Good Jokes, Hilarious Jokes, Monday Joke, and Best Funny Knock Knock Jokes in Urdu and English for all age groups; especially the youngsters. Often you really say: “Tell me a dirty joke”.
Funny Jokes are most powerful source to reduce depression, make smiles and give happiness to the people.
As Dr. Seuss said:
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
A joke is generally a funny piece of oral literature in which words are used with funniest ends called “Punchlines” to make people laugh. These Funny Jokes presented here are only for amusement and entertainment of our readers. So read and enjoy these Funny Jokes 2020 in Hindi, Urdu, and English. If you like, please share with your friends and followers.
Also Read: Top 15 Husband andWife Funny Jokes in Urdu
Funny Joke in English
The biggest festival in the world is “Wife”.
Which has to be celebrated every three to four days.
Also Read: Top 10 Funny Jokesfor Girls
Funny Joke in English
Strange trouble of a Tourist on his way back from Pakistan.
Her identity on ID card showed “Black Spots” on his face. But the tourist's face was clean of all kinds of stains. When the Customs officials asked for an explanation, she said that after coming to Pakistan, I used Faiza Beauty Cream, due to which the dark spots on my face were reduced to such an extent that they are no longer visible.
Also Read: 60+ Funny Short Jokefor Adults in English
Funny Joke in English
The thief was about to steal expensive household goods.
When Pappu's eye opened.
Pappu said:
Take my school bag too.
Otherwise, I will make a noise and wake everyone up.
Also Read: Top 20 Very FunnyJokes in Urdu
Funny Joke in English
Four Sardars were running behind the train.
Two managed to board the train.
People said: Sardar, Well done.
Sardar: Nothing well done!
They had to go, who left behind the train.
We came to see off them.
Also Read: Top 10 Sheikh FunnyJokes in Urdu
Funny Joke in English
Dr. to a Crazy Man: Why are you crazy?
Crazy Man: I married a widow. My father married his young daughter. As if my father became my son-in-law and my daughter is my mother. They have a daughter, she became my sister. But I am her grandmother's husband, so she became my granddaughter. So my son became my grandmother's brother and I became my son's nephew.
Doctor shouted: Shut up, otherwise, you will drive me crazy too.

I hope you would like these Funny Jokes. If you like, please comment below and share with your friends and followers.