Only 6pc of Irish motorists in a recent survey reported the environmental impact of car emissions as a significant concern, writes Brian Byrne.
The survey by mobility solutions and payment specialist Easytrip included responses from 6,000 motorists, and the biggest concern expressed was high fuel prices (42pc), cost of insurance (17pc), poor road conditions (13pc), policing of traffic and traffic incidents (9pc), and that previously mentioned environmental impact of car emissions (6pc).
The investigation also highlighted tyre damage or tyre punctures as the main breakdown incident for 28pc of motorists this year. This was followed by exterior damage to vehicle (15pc) and mechanical failure (11pc). Other issues included electric vehicle battery failure, lost/broken keys, empty fuel tank or mis-fuelling.
Easytrip also asked drivers their opinion on the standard of driving in Ireland which disclosed the following — 77pc believed it to be average, one in five stating it was terrible while only 5pc claimed it was great.