UAE Stepping out of Homes without Movement Permit is subject to Deportation

The Dubai Police has warned residents of the emirate not to misuse movement permit, and those found guilty of ‘repeatedly’ violating the Stay at Home measures and endanger lives of others will be slapped with harsh punishments, including deportation.

In a Dubai Eye live telecast, The Col Saeed Al Hajeri, head of the Cyber Crime Department, CID at Dubai Police, affirmed that breaking the Stay at Home rules and going out for non-emergency reasons, or stepping out of homes without movement permit are crimes and subject to deportation.

“Breaking the stay at home rules and going out for non-emergency reasons, or stepping out of homes without movement permit are crimes and subject to deportation,” Al Hajeri was quoted during TV Interview.

“The UAE’s Attorney-General has already announced the fines and punishment for breaking rules on social media distancing and curfew restriction. Repeated offenders or those who commit crimes that have a ‘snowball’ effect on the society will be fined, jailed and deported at the end of their term,” he added.

Just recently, they have also mentioned that they are going to ‘name and shame’ violators.

“We have orders from the Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis Management to circulate the pictures of violators in the media. Newspapers will be asked to publish their photos on the front page so that people understand it is not a minor offence,” Al Hajeri said.

Some may think it’s a joke, but Al Hajeri said that it isn’t and stubborn residents will probably face consequences such as loosing reputation and even jobs for their irresponsible behavior.

“We have means and way to catch the people who misuse the system. There is a clear monitoring and management system in place and as you know, the Dubai Police have one of the best cyber-crime divisions,” he insisted.

Those individuals who are exempted from getting the permit are urged to use the company letter to go for work but not for other purposes.

“You cannot fool the system by obtaining a permit for buying medicine and then going out to visit your sister,” Al Hajeri noted.

Full TV Interview:

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