TN Treasury ePayslip, Status, Pension Status, Pay Slip, DDO Report

TN Treasury ePayslip, Status, Pension Status, Pay Slip, DDO Report: Electronic Clearance Service is an online platform which is created by the Government of India to provide several facilities to the Government workers of the country. Today, we are sharing with all of our readers the important information regarding the various functions available at the online portal and we will also share the step-by-step procedure through which the readers will be able to check the TN Treasury ePayslip, Status, Pension Status, Pay Slip, DDO Report.

TN Treasury ePayslip

TN Treasury ePayslip

Department of Treasuries and Accounts, Government of Tamil Nadu has created the portal and the gateway through which the people working in the state government offices of Tamilnadu will be able to check various details and will be able to perform several functions related to their employment. The employees will be able to check their benefits and also check their compensation using the platform. The platform was created to keep in mind the problems of the State Government employees. 

The employees will be able to use the gateway to get information regarding various aspects of their employment and they will be also able to check the pension amount. The employees will be able to also generate an e slip of their salary by using the gateway. The payslip is really beneficial for the people because it will help them to take records of the salary without going anywhere.  

TN Treasury Epayslip Portal Details

Authority Department of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA), Government of Tamil Nadu
NameTamil Nadu Electronic Clearance Service
BeneficiariesGovernment employees of Tamil Nadu
ObjectiveProviding digital payments

Objective Of TN Treasury Epayslip Portal

  1. The online portal created by the Tamil Nadu Government will help the employees to have information regarding their payslip and it will also make it possible for the employees to do digital payments.
  2. The employees will be able to easily achieve the release of their monthly salary.
  3. Employees will be also able to check monthly payslip, pension reports, DDO report etc.

Benefits Of TN Treasury Epayslip Portal

  1. The main benefits of the epayslip portal created by the Tamil Nadu Government is to provide a digital environment for the employees.
  2. The employees will be also able to download their salary slip using the platform.
  3. The employees will be easily able to see their pension reports by using the platform.
  4. DDO reports will also be available through the online platform.
  5. The portal will help the people to save a lot of time.
  6. Proper transparency will be provided to the State Government employees.

What is the Login Procedure Of TN Treasury Epayslip Portal?

  1. First you will have to go to the official website by clicking on the link given here 
  2. The homepage will be displayed on your screen.
  3. You have to go to the Login option.
  4. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Click on the option called Payroll Login.
  6. Select your language.
  7. Enter your username.
  8. Enter your password.
  9. Click on login.
  10. You will be successfully logged in.

How to check the ECS Status Of Government Employees?

  1. First you will have to go to the official website by clicking on the link given here 
  2. The homepage will be displayed on your screen.
  3. Click on the “ECS Status” link.
  4. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Three options will be displayed on your screen.
  6. Click on the link called “Click Here for ECS Status of Government Employee”
  7. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  8. Now, click on the “Detailed Report By GPF Number” link.
  9. Now you have to login using your credentials.
  10. Enter specific information regarding-
    1. District Treasury
    2. Sub-treasury
    3. Suffix
    4. Month
    5. Year
  11. Enter the GPF (General Provident Fund) number.
  12. Click on submit.
  13. The status will be displayed on your screen.

How to check the ECS Status of Pensioners?

  1. First you will have to go to the official website by clicking on the link given here 
  2. The homepage will be displayed on your screen.
  3. Click on the “ECS Status” link.
  4. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Three options will be displayed on your screen.
  6. Click on the link called “ECS status for pensioners”
  7. Now you have to login using your credentials.
  8. Click on submit.
  9. The status will be displayed on your screen.

How to check the DDO Token-wise Report?

  1. First you will have to go to the official website by clicking on the link given here 
  2. The homepage will be displayed on your screen.
  3. Click on the “ECS Status” link.
  4. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Three options will be displayed on your screen.
  6. Click on the link called “Click Here for DDO Token Wise Report”
  7. Now you have to login using your credentials.
  8. Enter specific information regarding-
    1. District Treasury
    2. Sub-treasury
    3. DDO code
    4. Password
    5. Image code
  9. Click on submit.
  10. The report will be displayed on your screen.

How to download the e-Payslip?

  1. First you will have to go to the official website by clicking on the link given here 
  2. The homepage will be displayed on your screen.
  3. Click on the “Useful Links” link.
  4. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Click on the option called Epayroll
  6. Select “Click Here For e-Payslip”
  7. A new page will be displayed on your screen.
  8. Enter your EmpCode/Suffix and Date of Birth.
  9. Login using your credentials.
  10. The payslip will be displayed on the screen.

FAQ For TN Treasury Epayslip Portal

  • What is the main benefit of the TN Treasury Epayslip Portal?

TN Treasury Epayslip Portal will help the State Government employees to easily check their pension and also their salary status without going out of their houses.

  • What is the official website of TN Treasury Epayslip Portal?

The official website of the TN Treasury Epayslip Portal is 

Thanks for visiting If you have any doubts or suggestions, leave a comment below.   

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