Rigging in JKP SI and FAA written tests have many similarities - Daily Jammu Jottings

Rigging in JKP SI and FAA written tests have many similarities - Daily Jammu Jottings
There is also a scam!

  -Same police ASI who surfaced in the JKP SI written test has again surfaced in the FAA written test scam.

  -The role of one teacher who remained attached with the then Deputy Chief Minister in the FAA written test also surfaced and he is very shrewd person.

Jammu: How can it possible that same number of aspirants of same families has got qualified the written test of both JKP SI and FAA? How can it possible that some of same aspirants of same families are getting near about same numbers? How is possible that despite low academic records some aspirants have attained very high numbers in written tests of JKP SI and FAA? Why not a fair probe should be done in FAA written test when there are some specific evidence, which clearly indicates that rigging has been done? These are some serious concern which should be investigated deeply by the Enquiry committee and later it should be handed over to the CBI to expose all those officers who are involved in this nefarious scam and played with the future of youth.

There are many evidences which clearly indicate that there are many discrepancies in the written test of FAA and it needs the same as it has been done in JKP SI selection list, otherwise the corrupt and scammers will win in this game and genuine people and administration will lose its credibility. No doubt that JKSSB has badly failed to conduct the written test for recruitment in JKP SL and FAA but it does not mean that we must close the eyes and let the things to happen as they are happening in the bad ways.

These are a pinch from the store that several families from different areas of Jammu like Suchetgarh, Akhnoor, Khour, Jourian and other parts have been benefitted from the sale and purchase of the paper of JKP SI and FAA. These families have played very smartly and got the paper from the scammers and get selected. Now the question is that why not the academic record of the selected aspirants be checked and should be compared to ascertain the actual position. If some takes 9 or ten years to qualify the graduation after passing 10+2 then how the same person can qualify this written test in flying numbers. Such things should be minutely investigated and the truth will come out.

It is pertinent to mention that in such circumstances as the things are coming out from the cupboard of JKSSB, it is need of the hour to investigate all the then officers of JKSSB to reach a climax and then a strong case should be filed against all those officers who surfaced to be involved and even against those officers too who remained silent over such big scam.

In JKP SI there was one ASI whose son and daughter got selected and even his son-in-law but in FAA case them same aspirants also figuring in selection lest and it indicated that there is something rotten in the pot of JKSSB. There is one teacher who remained attached with a former Deputy Chief Minister also a beneficiary and his family member has also been selected. This is the same master who remained active in selling of paper and kept the students in his own house.