Read Complete this Before Complaining against Employer in UAE

Important points before Complaint against employer in UAE

Thinking to complaint against your company, boss or manager? We would like to recommend you to read the 7 important points before reporting against your employer in UAE.

In case of dispute between employee and employer, complaint to Ministry of Labour is the first thing which comes in worker mind and yes it is worker right hence ministry itself emphasizes UAE expats to register a complaint in case of UAE Labour law violation or a dispute between both parties.

Registering a complaint in UAE is very easy, either by visiting Labour offices or in few clicks online you can register a complaint against your employer, boss, HR or manager but do you know the problems you are going to face after complaint?

Link: How to File Labour Complaint Online

Therefore, we want you to consider below 7 things before registering a complaint against your employer in UAE:

1: Know the Law and your Rights:

The first thing you need to know before complaining against your employer is to know the Law and your rights as an employee, the best way to do this is to read your contract which you have signed before availing employment visa.

Check your Contract Online Here

It is not always the company (employer) who is on the wrong side, so first search for the thing you are going to report, for example you are complaining for your gratuity pay, first search for ministry official article, then your contract type, read both things carefully and check in it if you are eligible or entitle for gratuity or No, if not, do not complaint.

2: Remember the Ban:

Employer (company) has given right to register a Ban or any other complaint such as absconding etc which may lead to Labour or employment ban in UAE. So if you are complaining for a thing which actually does not belongs to you may lead your dream of living in UAE toward Labour ban which is at least 6 months or 1 year or immigration ban which is for life time until you remove it by accepting the immigration terms and conditions.

3: Duration of Labour Case:

This is the 3rd but important point to calculate before registering complaint, please keep in mind that you will not be the first person to register complaint, UAE Labour office (TAWAFUQ Center or TASHEEL) is always jam packed from desperate employees and there could be hundreds and thousands of cases earlier than yours.

Generally case took 2 to 3 weeks to resolve, and it is only if you agree the labour office decision, if not, your case will be forwarded to court which may take months until final hearing and decision.

The good news is that Ministry has ordered TAWAFUQ Centers to resolve and mediate between both parties within 2 working days, don’t know if the case you are going to submit can resolve in 48 hours or No but for sure officials will try their best, so keep the time duration of complaint in mind.

4: Termination or Resignation:

By registering a complaint against your employer, you may face immediate termination by company and it is something natural because registering a complaint against your employer is like an act which will displease someone.

However, we strongly recommend you to “do not leave workplace” until it is final that your are being terminated or you by yourself have resign from the job, it is better to not resign as if you have resigned you may not get the gratuity and you will have to pay 45 days full salary to company as per UAE Labour Law because you are going to breach the contract.

5: Money Matters:

Registering complaint in UAE do not cost the person but cost of living in UAE is high and a person cannot live and survive for long term without money, and off course if you have registered a complaint, you are not allowed to work anywhere in UAE until your case is cleared.

So, make sure you have enough pocket money to survive during that period.

6: Proficiency in local languages and confidence:

If you are not proficient in speaking English or Arabic it may affect or delay your case a little bit but it does not mean that you cannot complaint or cannot win, you will definitely get the doubt of your benefit but somehow as per our experience we have seen some expats specially unskilled workers who only speak their national languages were found in felling pressure and it is because of less knowledge, language skills and the most importantly the lack of confidence.

7: Mutual Understanding:

The best thing which me as an admin of this blog will recommend you to resolve the issue with your employer by sitting with him and final it by mutually, although I am not saying nor it is legal to negotiate your rights but sometime depends up to your situation it is best to speak with employer, for example if you are being hired by new company and they want you to join them urgently,  you must will try to clear your case as at that stage not only you but no one will miss the opportunity of new job.

The guide on things to note before complaining against employer in UAE is ended here; hopefully it will help you in avoiding more troubles in your already depressed situation which cause due to the dispute between you and your employer.