More 101% Solution of Increasing your Youtube Watchtime for Monetization (Ninza technique to get Monetization)

Youtube have some recommendation for Monetization, and you should complete all their a recommendation for just applying on the Youtube channel, I think you already know about there rules for monetization, but I will clarify again to you.

The rules for Youtube Content:

  • No hatred of content or nudity or related video is not allowed.
  • Repeated content or uploading the same video is not allowed to accept intro and outro, but if you discuss your previous video. then it should be fine.
  • Youtube review team will show your, Main theme, most viewed video, newest videos, the biggest proportion of watch time and video metadata (including title, thumbnails, and description)
  • Live in a country or region where the YouTube Partner Program is available.
  • Have more than 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.
  • Have more than 1,000 subscribers.
  • Have a linked AdSense account.
The above rules will be completed and followed to get monetization for the Youtube channel, but you need to know more about it if you are uploading content that you are not aware of which type is it. Because the Youtube team will assess your channel from every side by side.

How to increase subscribers?

To increase subscriber you need to do some step, such as:
  • A most important part of everything is content if your content good enough to impress your viewers then the other step will be very easy for you too or there is more option for getting subscribers, no problem keep making content, you will definitely find a way for subscribers.
  • Sharing content to social media platforms, eg: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. If your content good enough to impress your audiences then you may get likes and subscribers into your channel and you can also ask for subscribing your channel to your known person on the social media platform.
The above work is continuous you should keep marketing on social media and the other tips for you is:
  • There is an app called U-channel on the play store. Download the App. After downloading the software or android app, see there are options for increasing viewers, subscribers, like and watch time, but you need to give some time there for collecting coins and use that coin for taking like and subscribe from the App.
  • Joining on WhatsApp Sub4Sub Groups to get subscribers. You can join WhatsApp sub4sub groups, mean you will subscribe there channel and they will subscribe yours. Click here to find those types of groups.

What and How U-channel?

  • Join Uchannel using an Email address, don't use your channel Email account on that App, use another email address for your channel safety.
  • Uchannel UI is bellow, please watch it for more details or any more question please let me know in the comments.

Simply, watch other videos to get coin and use the coin to get likes, views, or subscribe to your channel, this software is widely using by many YouTubers and very popular nowadays.

Another part of the works for monetization?

The main problem of different YouTubers is differents. But most YouTubers have the same problem to reach 4000 hours of views. Now what should you do for getting views from the viewers, you need something to do on yourself, such as:
  • Making content specifically, you must follow a specific niche for your Youtube channels, such as technology, games, tips, motivational, educational, health tips, beauty tips, cooking, art, and craft, funny videos, and more.
  • Now time for comments from your viewers, at first you follow your local peoples and friends, get some suggestion from them and ask them about your content, are they like to watch your content or not, if they are happy to watch the full content then you should keep updating your video style and keep making videos but if they don't like your videos, then you should ask them if they have any suggestion for making it better but always thinks about you, don't take others seriously cause someone says, boring content, and you are making funny videos, if you get upset then it may the end of your channel if you take others seriously, just thinks about you and how can you made the content more interesting for your audiences. (Keep working on Uchannel mostly for views from the very beginning)
  • Now you if you are making content continuously but unfortunately you are getting fewer viewers then aspected, then you should think about it again that if you are good for other niches, such as making videos on technology but you are good at making tips and tricks videos, so discover yourself!

The part of my motivation is finished, keep it on your mind then follow the step bellow also, as my topics are a path for monetization!
  • If you have a laptop within WiFi connection, and enough content on your channels then you can create another user on chrome and another Gmail account and start all of your videos on the other user account and watch every video on that account, in this way find new Gmail accounts and make another user and watch every video. In this way, you can increase your watch time.
  • Ask or do, go to every friend or relative and known person and take their devices or ask them for subscribing your channel to get more subscriber as among them can share your videos or some of them also do similar work for you to get more subscriber and tell another people on different social media platform then this will be helpful for you to get more views and subscribers. More 101% Solution of Increasing your Youtube Watchtime for Monetization (Ninza technique to get Monetization)
Maybe you are already following every step of the above work or maybe you are going to start from above any work, but please if you like it, please click on any ads on the page for me. - Thanks