How to Make Effective Study Notes

 How to Take Better Study  Notes

For effective learning and exam preparation, study notes are essential. Books, lectures in class, and online study materials are typical learning tools for students. Each learner gains knowledge from these resources and becomes ready for the test. Study notes are an extract of the key information from various learning resources that assist you in learning your subjects quickly, effortlessly, and effectively. They not only assist with course review in the course of normal academic activities, but they also change the game when it comes to exam preparation. Students typically have a very limited amount of time on exam days to complete a large number of courses for their papers. They can complete their coursework quickly and accurately with the aid of study notes. Without having to read the complete book, the learner fully comprehends each issue because they highlight the key elements.

Make Effective Study Notes
Make Effective Study Notes


Qualities of effective study notes

 Good study notes have the following qualities:

Good study notes have the following qualities:

Simple to comprehend and pick up.
It helps you save time.
The key concepts from readings, seminars, and other resources are included.
You don't need to read numerous books because it is a thorough extract of information from many study materials.
It enables you to effectively show your exam answers.
You are comfortable and secure with it because you created it.
When necessary, it can be simply revised.

Making study notes is a learning activity in and of itself. In comparison to merely reading a topic without writing anything down, learning a topic is much easier when the main points are noted on paper while you are studying it. This is due to the fact that writing down your study points gives your brain time to digest and store the material you have learned.

Preparing good study-notes

There are two steps to creating useful notes: 1) gathering information from lectures in class, books, and online study resources, and 3) giving the information the proper form to create the final study notes. Here is an explanation of these two steps: 

taking notes during a lecture in class

Teachers are subject matter specialists who have spent years studying books and imparting their knowledge to students. Students typically cannot learn what their teachers teach by just reading their textbooks. Similar to how you study from different books, your teacher typically studies from a variety of books and gives you excerpts from those books. Here, we want to think about how important it is to record professors' lectures.
While listening to a lecture in class, you should bring a notepad or some loose paper, along with a pen, to take notes.
Be attentive and concentrated on the lecturer as they present it.

Pay close attention to what your teacher says as she shares her ideas. Note down the crucial details that your teacher provided.
Most lecturers include certain conceptual learning aspects that should be taken note of.
Pay closer attention to the terminology, definitions, and jargon that your teacher uses and make a note of it.
The teacher might provide some crucial details that are helpful for comprehending the subject but may not be in your coursebooks. It is important to record this kind of information.

taking notes while reading books and using other study tools

Books and manuals are a significant source of knowledge. Similarly, accessing online study tools is a common practise in the modern world.
The easiest way to fully understand a subject is to use a variety of resources (such as a book, guide, and the internet).
Your study-notes should contain all the ideas (essential points) you learn from these many sources if you use them as learning tools. Your study notes will reflect your comprehensive understanding of the subject in this manner. This guarantees a high exam result because teachers grade you according to how many parts of the themes you have covered in your response.

Making study notes from several sources is beneficial because you will have everything in one location and won't have to review them all.
The skill of taking study notes is crucial whether you study one source or numerous sources. You must pay close attention and concentrate when reading the material. Write down all pertinent material, but don't feel obligated to note down every nugget from the source when preparing study notes. Your study notes shouldn't be an exact replica of your book, nor should they contain pointless in-depth explanations. It should only provide the essential details. Keeping this in mind, you should be careful not to overlook the crucial facts.

You do not have to put everything in your study notes, as was already mentioned. This includes including the details that make up the issue's core as well as those that make it easy for you to remember its pertinent explanation (even if it is not included in study-notes) and that will help you fully comprehend the topic when you utilise them for future study.
You should take into account the terms, meanings, names of different things and phases involved in the issue when creating study notes.
The exam should be considered when creating the study notes. You must take into account these topics that may be covered in the test.

giving the notes gathered a suitable shape

The points are gathered at various periods and on various pages because the student gathers them from class lectures, literature, and other sources. Similar to how the notes from a lecture may be distributed across a page because the learner is primarily focused on understanding the lecture during the lecture.

Keeping study notes

For writing your study notes, a notebook is preferable to loose pages.
Give each page a number and put them in a folder if you're using loose pages.
Because they are an invaluable resource that will aid you in achieving your academic objectives, keep them in a secure location so you won't lose them.