True Hindi Horror Stories | Real Horror Kahaniyan Urdu & Hindi with Translator:
I was a little girl my parents took me to visit my grandmother and she lived in a village in the countryside. Her bungalow was little and there was just a single room my grandma rested in one bed my folks slept in the other and I needed to rest on certain pads on the floor. Horror Urdu Story Guide | Hindi Horror Stories | Khofnak or Darawni Kahani | Dil Dehla Dene Wali Kahaniya New
We stayed there for a few weeks and I was troubled by terrible nightmares every night I would wake up screaming, my parents tried to calm me down and ask I am what wasn't right everything I could let them know was that there was a man coming to get me I can at present recollect the reason for my fear each night. After some, I saw a shadowy figure rise up out of in the background toward the edge of the room. He was a pitch-black man all I could make out was his silhouette he was tall and he was hairy I would watch in horror as he came crawling towards me with a sickening slowness.
He came up to me and he whispered something in my ear and just as I was about to scream he would place a finger against. His lips and whisper he tortured me every night to the point, where I dreaded going to sleep as time went on. He started to show up around evening time as well as during the very first moment evening we were all sitting in front of the television in the parlour and eventually I happened to look to one side the blind gradually stepped back and I saw the man remaining there.
Staring silently at me he raised his hand put his finger to his lips and whispered shush I let out a horrified scream and immediately told my mother. Then what I had seen she got up and headed toward the blinds pulling them to and fro giving me that there was nothing there except for obviously by at that point. He had already disappeared when the holiday was over we went back to our apartment in the city and the nightmare stopped after that my grandmother would always come to visit us.
So we never went to her cottage on a vacation again as time went on I stopped thinking about the man and eventually forgot about them all together one summer when I was 12 years old and my little brother was 6 years old. Then we went to remain with my lovely grandma once more, my mom and dad were in the kitchen having some tea with my grandma they requested that I get my beloved brother ready for bed then I was preparing a mattress on the floor for both of us to sleep.
My lovely younger bro was sitting on one of the beds I saw that he was as a rule typically calm when I looked into when I saw that he was staring new at something that's wrong I asked then suddenly he jerked his head around and looked at me his eyes wide with fear he looked at me pointing at the curtains the guy is remaining there obviously my sibling and I went through the late evening dozing in the kitchen and we never went to visit my grandma's bungalow again.