All UAE Allow Citizenship or Permanent Residency to Expats

Citizenship and permanent residency in UAE

Do you ever thought about Citizenship in UAE?
Do you know what problems UAE may face in future?

UAE Government may consider permanent residency or citizenship like Australia and Canada in-order to defend future issues. Is launching Golden Residency system is the sign that UAE may allow expats to apply for citizenship under some terms and conditions?

Their are people residing in UAE who have spent their entire life developing the economy of the country and call UAE their second home are looking for such opportunity, if not citizenship they will be happy with permanent residency too.  

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UAE native population is around 1 to 1.3 million only. The rest 8 to 9 millions are expatriates from almost 200 countries mostly from India, Pakistan, Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal etc but the infrastructures like roads and highways, residential apartments, villas, schools or colleges, shopping malls, shops, shopping complexes, super markets, mosques, parks, office towers, mobile network, water distribution and the drainage systems, internet and telephone systems, power production and distribution systems, transportation system such as metro trains, buses, taxis are designed by considering the whole population including expats and citizens.

It’s not only designed for citizens but for expats too so both can live and work.

But what can happen is like that happened with some cities in United States of America which later converted into empty yards because of state policies.

At the beginning of 1970s, UAE found a massive oil on its soil and seas and as the result began to construct basic requirements for a country. That included everything we’ve mentioned above.

This made a large need of skilled and unskilled workers such as engineers, contractors and general laborers.

As UAE was not expert in making above mentioned infrastructure at that time, they start bringing people from outside UAE. Then, the infrastructure for these new-comers also should be built. This brought more and more companies and thus more business to the United Arab Emirates especially to Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In reality, it is this rising population form expat countries what brought a strong development in UAE along with the massive oil wealth.

What if only UAE Citizens remain in UAE:
If only Emirati citizens were there, a country with maximum 1 million people would not need as many as roads and highways, huge buildings or shopping malls and other things which we see across UAE.

And in above case the whole UAE would remain as a smaller market but with higher purchase power due to low population but high oil income respectively.

What if Expats left UAE:
It’s not possible nor easy for expats to leave such a great country but let’s have a look if all the expats from different nations suddenly disappear, there won’t be any transport buses and taxis, shopping malls, super markets and shop, schools, colleges and universities, banks, baqalas (grocery shops) the typing centers and many more things, literally nothing including food.

Only empty roads and free residential and business towers will remain. Naturally banks that funded such buildings would crash land and UAE biggest businesses such as real estate, tourism companies, and hotels etc will implode.

There would be no business in the country but citizens will remain happy and it is because of less population and government sponsorship with oil trade business.

It the highest vulnerability (future issues) we have found to UAE and it’s not only for UAE but countries with war or increase in crimes can trigger this situation, so, allowing nationality, permanent residencies or citizenship to expat workers would be the best option for UAE to remain the king in global market.

What you people think about UAE biggest future problems or what comes in your mind about issuing citizenship or permanent residency to UAE expats? Is it possible? let's begin the discussion.

Don't forget the Argentina born Football player SEBASTIAN TAGLIABUE has been granted UAE citizenship(UAE Passport) and the world famous Football player Cristiano Ronaldo has been granted the UAE Gold Residency Visa.