19 Most Amazing Unusual Roads Junction in the World

Friends make different junctions to control traffic in every country of the world In some cities the traffic is so high That it is impossible to handleIn today's post I'm going to tell you about the most difficult junction in the world. 19 Most Amazing Unusual Roads Junction in the World.

12) Yanan East Road Interchange china.

Friends it is located in China and it is the world's most populated traffic Is one of the cities, so if roats systems like this are not built here, Here the total traffic can be out of control And the beautiful road of the world also called system, and it is so beautiful that it has been featured in many Chinese movies and even in movies and its design is really beautiful.

11) Nanpu bridge interchange china.

Friends this is what you see in the Amazing Road design in photo also in china, this amazing bridge is presently opened in 1991.
Of this junction the most important thing is that this bridge has all kinds of quality, and it is one of the most busies road in China, it has 7 road lines built, despite this there is more traffic allowance But this yet the daily million handles cars on a daily basis really is amazing.

10) Oyamazaki interchang  japan.

Friends this is a junction that is located in Japan, and also called noodle interchange its roads are one of the most complicated roads you can see how unique its design is traffic system like this
till date, nothing has been built its design is amazing and wonderful.

9) liberty interchange Pakistan

Friends, it is located in Lahore Pakistan, it is also called Azadi Interchange and this tower is very close to Minar E Pakistan and it is actually a very big and beautiful.
Its designed beautiful, which is one of the major entry points of Lahore.

This junction was built by Habib Construction, worth over 3000 billion and the expenditure was incurred and it was fixed on June 30, 2014, At this time, all of Lahore busiest is from Roads and thousands of cars and bikes pass through it every day and it is truly beautiful Is the design.

8) tom moreland georgia.

This junction can look like it exists in Georgia, the local people call it by name and it was opened in 1987 and it is not at all like a common interchange. It has easy access roads are linked to 
and these roads have been made from seprate for heavy vehicles.

Total 14 bridges exist in this junction and are completely different from each other, And their height is 90 feet and this junction is daily controls 3 Lakh cars and vehicles and its deisgn are very amazing.

7) Judge Harry Pregerson interchange Los Angles California.

This is the road you see in the bridge in Los Angeles USA, and it was opened in 1993 and when it was built, it was America's most expensive system and the bridge heights 30 feet at this junction and going into this interchange for the first time will be very confusing.

Because its design is very complicated for the people coming in this interchange, enter and excitas are present this is such a amazing bridge that it is used for every movies
this junction is awesome.

6) Gravelly hill interchange Birmingham England.

Friends, this is a bridge it is a located in Baringham, England and it was opened in 1972. This interchange has 18 rounds, and it is also referred to as an engineer Merkel. Its largest bridge is 80 feet long and at this roads are present in 4 lines and which can control a lot of traffic and it is the most amazing bridge in the world.

5) shibuya crossing japan.

Friends, you must have seen these crossing pictures and videos and it is present in Japan and this place is now so famous that people come to spacial see this zebra crossing.

This place is considered the best for Dramas TV Shows and Movies, fast and furious resident evil and many movies have been made at this crossing.

Seeing the people moving in this crossing, it seems as if the car is far away from here and also a bicycle will not pass and more people go on this place than others, and this is amazing of the world
Road is one of them.

4) Meskel Square Ethopia.

In the world where most of the traffic is consumed, management works just as hard to control it,
and the system there is amazing too and this place is located in the main place of Ethiopia and thousands of cars pass through here every day and the most surprising thing about this roads is that it has neither traffic lights nor any road signs is here, and here the driver drives the cars and bikes at his own choice and the direction that can be desired and on this place, the chances of the accident are also very high and in the Ethiopia most of the accidents are also here.

3) Magic Round About England.

Magic Round about would have been made in more Arab countries, but it was the most unique in the world, made in England. It was built in 1972, it is actually very big and inside which there is unique roundabout.

This is the center hub of this task. If someone goes for the first time in this round about, then it will be confused and you will not understand from where he has to enter and exit, and this is the amazing rundown of the world.

2) Gibraltar Airport British.

Friends, what you are seeing is the most unique junction of the world and although this road is similar to the normal signal and roads enter section, but the most unique thing is that this road passes through the airport, meaning that the vehicle also passes through this road and is also used on the runway for this road plans. This is actually an place of the British which is very small engineers had to make this road for both Runway and Roads, the road is closed when the plane is to descend
and when they open the run of the cars starts.

1)  Gate Tower Building Osaka Japan.

It is not understood that this is what is building is road is Confused on seeing it for the first time the road is there or building, but it's a combination of all three things, and it's located in Osaka, Japan and was built in 1992, originally the road was made at this place but the person who had the place refused and his case continued for 3 years, and finally the owner passed the road from inside the building
and amazing factory is this highway that passes through 8th floor of this building and this junction has no joint with the building and it is one of the most amazing roads in the world.