Mobility solutions specialist, Easytrip, is celebrating their five-year partnership with Blood Bikes, a not-for-profit charity, writes Trish Whelan.
Easytrip has been supporting the charity since April 2017 enabling BloodBikes to continue to provide a vital service across Ireland, and has now extended their support for a further five years. In a typical year, the charity would make over 100,000 deliveries and in the last two years that support doubled to an estimated 250,000 dispatches.
Blood Bikes provide urgent transportation of essential medical items such as donated blood, human tissue, breast milk to hospitals and medical centres 365 days a year, supply their service free of charge with help from a legion of voluntary drivers. Over the last two years, the organisation has supported the National Ambulance Service and the HSE with Covid-19 and medical equipment deliveries.
The charity said the help from Easytrip has allowed them continue to operate and support hospitals, medical centres, satellite units of hospitals, HSE as well as residential and nursing homes who all provide crucial healthcare and work with vulnerable patients.
On average, Blood Bikes get 20 to 30 calls a day, seven days week seeking help. Having their tolls paid automatically means lifesaving deliveries are made quicker which impacts positively on the patients who need the vital supplies the charity delivers.
Pictured above are Sharon Percival of Blood Bikes Leinster; Patricia Smyth, Head of Customer Service at Easytrip; Colin Delaney, CEO of Easytrip, and Fergus Lennon of Blood Bikes Leinster. Photographer: Finbarr O'Rourke.