Fusion Power That Might Save the World

Fusion Power That Might Save the World.
Fusion Power That Might Save the World.

One of the greatest goals of fusion scientists is to develop a clean, carbon-free energy source that could save the world. This new fusion technology can produce more energy than the Earth requires. A spinoff from MIT called Commonwealth aims to begin construction on a pilot plant sometime in 2019. It is estimated that this new fusion energy source will be ready to produce electricity by 2030. This would be a significant leap in the fusion power race.

While fusion power has many desirable attributes, there are many challenges ahead. One of the most important is ensuring the safety and reliability of the new technology. In order to achieve this goal, scientists need to be able to create a safe, efficient fuel source. The current research on fusion energy isn't perfected yet. But scientists say that with a bit of development, fusion energy could eventually replace fossil fuels in our energy mix.

The goal of Laberge's lab is to create a net gain of energy. That means that we would be putting out more energy than we take in. That's a lot more energy than we need. And in order to be able to generate electricity, we need star-like conditions. The hydrogen isotopes we use as fuel must be held at 270 million degrees F, and they need to be compressed to create heat.

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