Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix

How to Make Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix

Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix

chocolate peppermint cupcakes from cake mix

Making chocolate peppermint cupcakes from cake mix is simple. Just start with a box of cupcake mix and top with a rich frosting and sprinkle of crushed candy canes. These delicious treats are perfect for the holidays and can even be given as gifts. The best part? It is easy enough for any child or adult to make. If you'd like to give them as gifts, this recipe is a great way to do it.

To make chocolate peppermint cupcakes from cake mix, you'll need a chocolate cake mix, water, egg whites, butter, and peppermint extract. Add these ingredients to the cake batter and stir until well combined. Bake the cupcakes for about 20 to 22 minutes. Rotate the tins halfway through the baking process to ensure even baking. After the cupcakes are baked, cool them completely on wire racks and decorate with crushed candy canes.

After removing the tins from the oven, add the dry cake mix to the pan. Blend on low speed until well combined, then increase the speed to medium. Continue blending until the mixture is smooth and shiny. While the batter is still wet, carefully pour the melted butter into the bowl of a stand mixer. The batter should be smooth and creamy. Once the cupcakes have cooled completely, frost them and store them in an airtight container.

How to Make Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix

Once the batter is mixed, add the candy cane extract and a few teaspoons of water. Then, stir in the butter. Once the cupcakes are done baking, use a large paintbrush to saturate the inside of the piping bag with red food coloring. Once the frosting is done, you can pipe it onto the cupcakes. Once the frosting is dry, you can garnish with sprinkles and shaved white chocolate.

Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix price

Chocolate peppermint cupcakes are perfect for holiday entertaining. The three packets are included with a cake mix, water, and eggs. Add the extract and stir to the batter. Once the batter is thoroughly mixed, add the crushed candy cane and mix it into the vanilla frosting. Once the cupcakes have cooled, frost and store them in an airtight container. This recipe will make cupcakes of any size, so no one will be disappointed.

Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes From Cake Mix Recipe

Prepare your cake mix. Then add water and egg whites. Then add the peppermint extract. Beat the batter until it is smooth and creamy. Divide the batter into two parts and color one half red. Allow the batter to cool completely before sprinkling with crushed candy candies. You're ready to serve these delicious chocolate peppermint cupcakes! Then enjoy your festive holiday entertaining.

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