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PPSC Past Papers 2021 of Assistant Director Admin Solved Past Paper PDF

If you are looking for PPSC Past Papers preparation you are at the right place. This page is about PPSC past paper of Assistant Director Admin which was conducted by Punjab Public Service Commission in 2021.

Assistant Director PPSC Past Papers Solved PDF Free Download

Q1: Recently China signed 25 years Partnership Agreement with which country?
A) Pakistan
B) Iran
C) Sri Lanka
D) None of these
Q2: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is:
A) Abdullah Abdullah
B) Amrullah Saleh
C) Muhammad Hanif Atmar
D) None of these
Q3: Distance between Gwadar and Kashgar is:
A) 1300 km
B) 3043 km
C) 2043 km
D) 4047 km
Q4: Share of livestock in the GDP of Pakistan is:
A) 11.11%
B) 13%
C) 17%
D) None of these
Q5: Who said, “Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains,”?
A) Karl Marx
B) Che Guevara
C) Winston Churchill
D) Jean Jacques Rousseau
Q6: In which District of Punjab in Pakistan Kartarpur Corridor is located?
A) Narowal District
B) Nankana Sahib
C) Rajanpur
D) None of These
Q7: Baba Guru Nanak is a holy site of:
A) Sikh Community
B) Hindu Community
C) Christian Comminity
D) None of these
Q8: When Israel occupied East Jerusalem:
A) 1965
B) 1967
C) 1969
D) None of these
Q9: Pakistan has lost more ……. of its pangolins due to their illegal killing for scales and meat.
A) 80%
B) 70%
C) 60%
D) 50%
Q10: The pass which connects Pakistan with China is known as?
A) Khojak Pass
B) Khunjrab Pass
C) Shandur Pass
D) Peiwas Kotal pass
Q11: Muhammad Ali Sadpara was a Pakistani high altitude mountaineer, died in?
A) January 2021
B) February 2021
C) March 2021
D) April 2021
Q12: Agra Summit was held in which year?
A) 1999
B) 2000
C) 2001
D) 2002
Q13: About how much Khewra Mines have ……. tons of salt.
A) More than 6.5 billion
B) More than 7.5 billion
C) More than 5.5 billion
D) None of these
Q14: Banjosa Lake is situated in:
A) Swat
B) Gilgit-Baltistan
C) Azad Kashmir
D) Karachi
Q15: Reko Diq Mine is famous reserves of:
 A) Limestone
B) Petroleum
C) Gold & Copper
D) Coal
Q16: The Fertile Crescent Region is present in:
A) Africa
B) Central Asia
C) Middle East
D) None of these
Q17: Sykes-Picot Agreement (also called Minor Agreement) was signed in:
A) 1915
B) 1916
C) 1917
D) None of these
Q17: Long sleep in animals during winter are termed as:
A) Hypnagogia
B) Estivation
C) Hibernation
D) None of these
Q18: History of class struggle is related to:
A) Karl Marx
B) Montesquieu
C) G.W Garner
D) None of these
Q19: Who founded the relationship between Electricity and Magnetism?
A) Hans Christian Ørsted
B) Michael Faraday
C) Rutherford
D) None of these
Q20: Which of the following is primary producer?
A) Bacteria
B) Protozoa
C) Fungus
D) None of these
Q21: The world’s largest bird is:
A) Ostrich
B) Great Bustard
C) King Penguin
(D) None of these
Q22: Tim Cook is the CEO of?
A) Apple
B) Ali Baba
C) Amazon
D) None of these
Q23: Study of stars is called:
A) Astrology
B) Astronomy
C) Meteorology
D) None of these
Q24: When ILO celebrated 135th Labour day:
A) 2021
B) 2020
C) 2019
D) None of these
Q25: How many members of Association Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) None of these
Q26: When state of Kalat acceded to Pakistan:
A) 1969
B) 1948
C) 1949
D) None of these
Q27: Pakistan activist I.A Rehman died in:
A) 2021
B) 2020
C) 2019
D) None of these
Q28: Agra city found by:
A) Sikandar Lodhi
B) Akbar
C) Jahangir
D) None of these
Q29: Muhammad Khan Junejo formed government in:
A) 1985
B) 1988
C) 1990
D) None of these
Q30: Third Battle of Panipat fought between:
A) Akbar and Hemul
B) Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marhattas
C) Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi
D) None of these
Q31: Which country Gamal Abdul Nasir belongs to:
A) Egypt
B) Lebanon
C) Iran
D) None of these

Q32: Which Acid is used in batteries?
B) H₂SO4
D) None of these
Q33: Who built the Suez Canal?
A) Iraq
B) Iran
C) Egypt
D) None of these
Q34: Name the element which is used to fabricate solar cells and transistors?
A) Silicon
B) Aluminum
C) Germanium
D) None of these
Q35: Cyclones are referred as:
A) Storm in Sea
B) Large System of winds
C) Earthquake
D) None of these
Q36: Rann of Kutch is a disputed area between:
A) Punjab-India
B) Sindh-India
C) KPK-India
D) None of these
Q37: The Green Colour in the Flag of Pakistan represents:
A) Muslim Majority
B) Islam
C) Refugees
D) None of these
Q38: Name the most populous city of Pakistan:
A) Faisalabad
B) Lahore
C) Karachi
D) None of these
Q39: 75th Session of UN General Assembly was held in which year?
A) 2018
B) 2019
C) 2020
D) None of these
Q40: When United Nation was founded?
A) 1945
B) 1944
C) 1942
D) None of these
Q41: 2021 Olympics held in which city?
A) Tokyo
B) Beijing
C) Los Angeles
D) None of these
Q42: Recently which country did ban Free Social Media?
A) Iran
B) Bangladesh
C) Uzbekistan
D) None of these
Q43: The World largest land border is between:
A) Brazil and Argentina
B) Russia and China
C) America and Canada
D) None of these
Q44: The Study of flowers and fruits is called?
A) Olericulture
B) Horticulture
C) Dendrology
D) None of these
Q45: Which one is not a Fruit?
A) Orange
B) Wheat Grain
C) Apricot
D) None of these
Q46: Marco Polo was a:
A) Traveller
B) Swimmer
C) Mountaineer
D) None of these

Q47: Muhammad Ali Sadpara was:
A) Mountaineer
B) Boxer
C) Swimmer
D) None of these
Q48: The British parliament announced the Independence Act on:
A) 05-July-1947
B) 14-July-1947
C) 18-July-1947
D) None of these
Q49: Iberian Peninsula is the part of:
A) Europe
B) Asia
C) Africa
D) None of these
Q50: Which country is situated in the east of Pakistan?
A) India
B) Iran
C) China
D) None of these
Q51: Afghanistan opposed membership of Pakistan in UN due to:
A) Internal Disputes
B) India Pressure
C) Durand Line
D) None of these
Q52: When World War I Started:
A) 1913
B) 1914
C) 1915
D) None of these
Q53: Lunar Eclipse occurs on:
A) Full Moon
B) Half Moon
C) Quarter Moon
D) None of these
Q54: In Human Body Pancreas secretes:
A) Saliva
B) Tears
C) Insulin
D) None of these
Q55: Pakistan Annual Sugar Consumption per capita is:
A) 15 kg
B) 25 kg
C) 35 kg
D) None of these
Q56: Which Pass connects Pakistan and China?
A) Khunjerab
B) Kabul
C) Karakoram
D) None of these
Q57: The antonym of Gumption (گمان ۔ سمجھ) is:
A) Stupidity
B) Acumen
C) Nerve
D) None of these
Q58: Which of these is used to Convey Proportion?
A) Comma
B) Colon
C) Semi Colon
D) None of these