Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2023 Apply 95 Assistant, Postman, Mail Guard, MTS Vacancies

Kerala Postal Circle Recruitment 2023-22: Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Kerala Postal Circle invites applications from meritorious sportspersons for appointment of Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, Postman, Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Staff under Sports Quota in Kerala Postal Circle.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Postal Assistant (PA)


Sorting Assistant (SA)




Mail Guard


Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)


Age Limit:

✔️ 18 - 27 years for PA / SA and Postman / Mail Guard cadres.
✔️ 18 - 25 years for MTS Cadres.

Pay Scale:

✔️ Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant: Pay Level 4 ₹ 25500 - 81100/- plus admissible allowances
✔️ Postman / Mail Guard: Pay Level 3 ₹ 21700 - 69100/- plus admissible allowances
✔️ MTS: Pay Level 1 ₹ 18000 - 56900/- plus admissible allowances

Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant: Matric with 12th standard or equivalent examination from a recognised university or Board of School Education or Board of Secondary Education. The candidate will be required to furnish certificate of Basic Computer Training from a recognized Computer Training Institute before issuance of appointment letter.

✔️ Postman / Mail Guard: The candidate must have passed 12th Standard from a recognized Board of School Education or Board of Secondary Education. The candidate will be required to furnish certificate of Basic Computer Training from a recognized Computer Training Institute before issuance of appointment letter. Knowledge of Local Language i.e., Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and Konkani in respect of Goa State.

✔️ MTS: The candidate must have passed 10th Standard from a recognized Board of School Education or Board of Secondary Education. Knowledge of Local Language i.e., Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and Konkani in respect of Goa State. The candidate should have passed a paper of local language at least upto 10th standard.

Sports Qualifications:

✔️ Sportsmen who have represented a State or the country in the National or International competition in any of the required games/ sports.
✔️ Sportsmen who have represented their University in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board in any of the required games/sports.
✔️ Sportsmen who have represented the State Schools Teams in the National Sports/ Games for Schools conducted by the All India School Games Federations in any of the required games/ sports.
✔️ Sportsmen who have been awarded National Awards in Physical Efficiency under the National Physical Efficiency Drive.

Selection Process: Selection on the basis of Educational and Sports Qualification.

Application Fee:

✔️ ₹ 100/- through online payment mode or in any of the Head Post Offices in India for crediting through GDS fee portal specifying “Direct Recruitment of sports quota for Maharashtra Circle by producing Registration Number.
✔️ No fee for SC, ST, Women category candidates.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format. Completed applications should be forwarded to "The Assistant Director (Recruitment), Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033" by registered post or speed post only. The last date for receipt of applications is 03/12/2023.

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Archived Jobs:

Kerala Postal Circle GDS Recruitment 2023: Kerala Post Office has published recruitment notification for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) for fill up 1421 Vacancies in the Kerala Circle 2023. The Kerala Post Office GDS 2023 online registration will be open again from 15th April 2023 to 24th April 2023.


Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)


Vacancy Posts: Branch Post Master, Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM), Dak Sevak.

Age Limit:

✔️ 18 to 40 years as on 8th March 2023
✔️ Age Relaxation - 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC, +10 years for PWD (PH) Category Candidates.

Educational Qualification:

✔️ Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics, local language and English (having been studied as compulsory or elective subjects) conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India shall be a mandatory educational qualification for all approved categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks.


✔️ Compulsory knowledge of Local Language (Malayalam).
✔️ Computer Knowledge: The candidate should have computer knowledge and will be required to furnish basic computer training certificate for at least 60 days from a recognized Computer Training Institute. The requirement of basic computer knowledge certificate shall be relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Class X or Class XII or higher educational qualification provided the candidate submits a certificate of Class X or Class XII or higher educational qualification in which he/she has studied computer as a subject.
✔️ Knowledge of Cycling.

Job Residence: The selected candidates must mandatorily take up his/her residence in the Branch Post Office village within one month after selection but before engagement as Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmaster. The candidate shall submit a declaration to this effect in the application. The candidate selected for the post of other than GDS BPM should reside in post village/delivery jurisdiction.

Selection Process:

✔️ No Written Test and Interview.
✔️ The selection completely based on 10th Standard Marks. No weightage will be given for 12th Marks / Degree or Post Graduate Marks or higher educational qualification.
✔️ Only marks obtained in 10th standard of approved Boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be the criteria for finalizing the selection.

Application Fee: ₹ 100/- for General (UR) / OBC Category Male Candidates only. The fee should be made through any Head Post Office in Kerala State. For making the payment candidate should inform Registration Number at the PO Counter. There is no fee for all Female and SC and ST Candidates.

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates apply online will have to register himself in the AP Post Portal with the basic details to obtain the Registration Number. The closing date for submission of online registration is extended up to 10/04/2023. Only one Registration is allowed for one candidate. The same registration number should be used for submission of applications during the cycle to any of the circles. Mobile number mapping is mandatory for Registration. The online registration, Fee & Submission of online application Extended from 15/04/2023 to 21/04/2023.Again, The last date for submission of online application is extended up to 24/04/2023.

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Help Desk: For any queries related to Kerala Postal Circle GDS recruitment and online application, email to (OR) Call 9633889818.