JAIIB Whatsapp Group Link - Hey Guys, this time We are back with another Whatsapp Group Links i.e JAIIB Whatsapp Group Links where the WhatsApp group links clearly belong to the JAIIB. You can Follow these JAIIB WhatsApp Group Links and join the groups to get free JAIIB study Materials, free JAIIB study Materials, JAIIB study Materials Videos, JAIIB syllabus, JAIIB preparation etc information etc from the other members.
Just follow the link below and join the group. But make sure that you obey the rules of the group. You can also share links with us from your Group chat so I can update the group link here on this post.
Also Read :- CAIIB Whatsapp Group Link
About JAIIB :-
Banking is a fine career option with many opportunities to grow. It dominates the country’s finance industry, which is now facing major structural transformations with recent technology.
For bankers and finance professionals to stay ahead in the stiff competition, the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) conducts the JAIIB exam. JAIIB stands for Junior Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers.
This flagship course/examination consists of three papers that are further subcategorised into modules and chapters. The institute’s members along with employees of some nationally recognised banks are eligible for taking this online exam.
The biannual examination tests a banker’s complete awareness of the day-to-day operational and technical concepts. In 2021, the first exam was held in May, while the upcoming one will be in November, as per the IIBF website. For the next JAIIB exam this year, the registration dates are around the month of September.
JAIIB Whatsapp Group Link :-
JAIIB Whatsapp Group :- https://chat.whatsapp.com/7fyFHCcGwvI7KPHfH0Pd7s
JAIIB Telegram Group :- https://telegram.me/teachmitra
JAIIB study materials :- https://telegram.me/studentfarmayish
JAIIB study videos :- https://telegram.me/bankingbasta