UPPSC Agriculture Services Examination 2020-2021: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) Invites online applications from eligible candidates for requirement of Group A and Group B posts such as Senior Technical Assistant, District Horticulture Officer and Principal posts through Uttar Pradesh state Agriculture Services examination. The last date for registration of online applications is 29th January 2021.
UPPSC Combined State Agriculture Services Examination 2020 (Advertisement No: A-4/E-1/2020)
Name of the Exam | Total Vacancies |
U.P. State Agriculture Services | 564 |
✅ Vacancy Posts:
✔️ Group 'A' Posts: District Horticulture Officer, Principal posts
✔️ Group 'B' Posts: Senior Technical Assistant Group A (Agronomy Branch, Botany Branch, Plant Protection, Chemistry Branch, Development Branch) posts
✅ Age Limit: 21 to 40 years as on 1st July 2020. i.e. they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1980 and not later than July 1, 1999
✅ Pay Scale: ₹ 9300 – 34800/- Grade Pay ₹ 4600/- (Revised Pay Scale Level-7 Pay matrix ₹ 44900-142400/-) to ₹ 15600-39100/- Grade Pay ₹ 5400/- (Revised Pay Scale ₹ 56100- 177500 Pay Matrix Level-10)
✅ Educational Qualifications:
✔️ District Horticulture Officer: B.Sc. Agriculture / B.Sc. Horticulture degree.
✔️ Principal Govt. Food Science Training Center / Food Processing Officer: B.Sc. with Chemistry or B.Sc. Agriculture or Two year post graduate associate course in Fruit and Vegetable Technology.
✔️ Senior Technical Assistant Group A: Post Graduate degree in relevant discipline.
✅ Selection Process:
✔️ Preliminary Examination
✔️ Combined State Agriculture Services Main (Written) Examination
✔️ Interview
✅ Application Fee:
✔️ ₹ 125/- in case of UR/OBC / Economically weaker sections candidates.
✔️ ₹ 65/- in case of Ex-Servicemen/SC/ST category candidates.
✔️ ₹ 25/- f0r Handicapped candidates
✅ How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates should apply online only @ uppsc.up.nic.in. The last date for submission of online application is 29/01/2021. On-Line Applications will be accepted only when prescribed fee is deposited in the Bank upto prescribed last date for fee deposit.