Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited (TMB) invites e-application for recruitment of various Managers in IT and Digital Technology Officer on contract basis. The closing date for registration of online application is 11th January 2021.
Name of Post |
General Manager |
Deputy General Manager |
Assistant General Manager |
✅ Vacancy Disciplines: Information Technology, Digital Technical Officer (ADC Product)
✅ Consolidated Pay:
✔️ General Manager: ₹ 1,40,000/- per month
✔️ Deputy General Manager: ₹ 1, 25,000/- per month
✔️ Assistant General Manager: ₹ 1,00,000/- per month
✅ Educational Qualifications:
✔️ General Manager: Engineering Graduate / MCA / equivalent qualification. Minimum 15 years experience.
✔️ Deputy General Manager: AGMs / DGMs in Public / Private Sector scheduled commercial banks with exceptional experience in IT field at least for a period of 2 years in the cadre. Minimum 05 years experience.
✔️ Assistant General Manager: CMs / AGMs in Public / Private Sector scheduled commercial banks with exceptional experience in transformation of traditional operations using digital processes at least for a period of 2 years in the cadre. Minimum 05 years experience
✅ Selection Process: The shortlisted candidates will be called for personal interview through Video Conferencing.
✅ How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates are requirement apply online through TMB Online portal. The registration process will be start from 30/12/2020. The last date for registration of online application is 11/01/2021.
TMB Bank Recruitment 2021: Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited (TMB) invites online applications from eligible retired officers for engagement of following Manager level posts in various branches. The last date for submission of online e-application is 2nd January 2021.
Name of the Post |
Chief Manager |
Senior Manager |
Manager |
Assistant Manager |
✅ Age Limit: Not more than 61 years as on 30th November 2020.
✅ Consolidated Pay:
✔️ Chief Manager: Rs.22,000/- per month
✔️ Senior Manager: Rs.25,000/- per month
✔️ Manager: Rs.30,000/- per month
✔️ Assistant Manager: Rs.35,000/- per month
✅ Eligibility:
✔️ The retired officers of the bank ate eligible for selection within 06 months from the date of advertisement.
✔️ Only bank retirees also who are competent for the post may apply.
✔️ Only suitable person with good track record to suit TMB requirement will be engaged on contract basis.
✔️ The officer should have retired from Bank's service on attaining superannuation and not under Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
The Officers who were removed / dismissed from the bank's service due to disciplinary measures shall not be eligible.
✅ Selection Process: Personal Interview.
✅ Application Fee: Nil.
✅ How to Apply: Eligible candidates should submit your online e-application from TMB Bank official website @ www.tmbnet.in from 23rd December 2020. The closing date for registration of online e-application is 02/01/2021.