RGCB Recruitment 2020-21: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) invites online applications for recruitment of Faculty Scientist positions. The last date for registration of online applications is 30th November 2020.
Name of Post | No of Vacancies |
Scientist C | 02 |
Scientist EII | 03 |
Scientist F | 01 |
✅ Age Limit:
✔️ Scientist C: 40 years
✔️ Scientist EII: 50 years
✔️ Scientist F: 50 years
✅ Pay Scales:
✔️ Scientist C: PB 4 Level 13A + Grade Pay Rs.8900✔️ Scientist EII: PB 4 Level 13A + Grade Pay Rs.8700
✔️ Scientist F: PB 3 Level 11 + Grade Pay Rs.6600
✅ Educational Qualification and Experience:
✔️ Scientist C: MD or Ph.D or equivalent. Minimum 05 years post doctoral experience.
✔️ Scientist EII: MD or Ph.D or equivalent. Minimum 10 years post doctoral experience.
✔️ Scientist F: MD or Ph.D or equivalent. Minimum 15 years post doctoral experience.
✅ Selection Process:
✔️ Level 1 Screening
✔️ Level 2 Screening
✔️ Final Selection
✅ How to Apply: Eligible and interested scientists can submit their applications, in the prescribed format available on the RGCB website along with a proposed research plan (2 pages) to: The Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Jagathy, Thycaud P.O, Thiruvananthapuram 695014, India or e-mail a PDF to facultyrecruitment@rgcb.res.in. The last date for receipt of applications is 30/11/2020.
The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) Thiruvananthapuram invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for the positions of Manager, Technical Assistant, Upper Division Clerk (UDC) and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS). The last date for receipt of applications is 12th June 2020.
Name of Post | No of Vacancy |
Manager (Technical Service - Computer and Information Systems) | 01 |
Technical Assistant Group II | 02 |
Upper Division Clerk | 01 |
Multi Tasking Staff | 01 |
✅ Pay Scales:
✔️ Manager (Technical Service - Computer and Information Systems): Pay Level 10 of 7th CPC
✔️ Technical Assistant Group II: Pay Level 05 of 7th CPC
✔️ Upper Division Clerk: Pay Level 04 of 7th CPC
✔️ Multi Tasking Staff: Pay Level 01 of 7th CPC
✅ Age Limit: 30 years as on 12th June 2020.
✅ Minimum Qualification:
✔️ Manager: BE/B.Tech in Computer Science OR Information Technology from a recognized university/institution with minimum of 65% marks (average in all semesters) or CGPA grading of a minimum of 6.84 on a 10 scale or equivalent.
✔️ Technical Assistant: A Graduate degree in Biotechnology or any branch of Life Sciences with minimum of 65% marks aggregate score.
✔️ UDC: Any Degree in Commerce with minimum 55% marks aggregate score. Domain knowledge on finance and accounts, basic computer skills, attention to detail, basic math skills.
✔️ MTS: SSLC (Matric) Pass or 10th standard pass.
✅ Selection Process: Interview / Practical or Skill Test
✅ How to Apply: Applications in prescribed format with resume/curriculum vitae and attested copies of all applicable certificates pertaining to qualification/disability etc. and all other authenticated supporting documents may be submitted by post to the DIRECTOR, RAJIV GANDHI CENTRE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY, POOJAPPURA, THYCAUD P.O, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695014, KERALA STATE or by e-mail as PDF to: jobs2020@rgcb.res.in on or before 12/06/2020.