KVK Perambalur Recruitment 2020 Apply 04 Subject Matter Specialists | www.roeverkvk.res.in

Roever KVK Recruitment 2020-21: ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of following vacant positions under plan scheme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Perambalur (NGO) and Positions Co-terminus with the scheme. The last date for submission of applications is 21st November 2020.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Horticulture


Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)


Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Home Science


Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Animal Science


✅ Pay Scale: 15600-39100  +  RGP of Rs. 5400/-

✅ Minimum Educational Qualifications:

Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Horticulture: Master's degree in Horticulture or equivalent qualification.
Subject Matter Specialist (SMS): Master's degree in Entomology / Plant pathology or equivalent qualification.
Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Home Science: Master's degree in Home Science or equivalent qualification.
Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Animal Science: Master's degree in Veterinary Science / Livestock production or equivalent qualification.

✅ Selection Process: Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

✅ Application Fee:

500/- for General / OBC category candidates.
SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted from application fee.
The fee in the form of Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of ICAR- A/c payable at SBI, Valikandapuram.

✅ How to Apply: Application form in prescribed format. The Duly filled in applications along with application fee (DD) with self-attested copies of testimonial in proof of age, date of birth, community, qualifications, experiences, etc., should be sent to "The Chairman, ICAR - KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA, Hans Roever Campus, Valikandapuram, Perambalur - 621115 on or before 21/11/2020 up to 5:00 PM.

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