The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Savegame Download -
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Save Game Download -
Apr 10, · I made a witcher 3 build (K+ Crits) save game. Download link: Apr 29, · Huge list of Game Saves for the PS4 console all the PlayStation 4 game saves listed here have been confirmed as working. Total Download Views: 63,, Total Files Served: 6,, Total Size Served: TB. This is my save for Witcher 3 Complete Edition (AKA GOTY). May 13, · I’ll post my save today under the “PS4 Save Modding” Category look out gor it. I have All GRANDMASTER GEAR SETS, All the best weapons. Witcher 3 Modded Save (ALL GRANDMASTER GEAR in Geralts House in Toussaint) Best Silver sword Aeronidt Unlocked and Steel Vampire Blade from elder vampire unlocked. ALL GEAR IS SCALED TO MAX LEVEL OF
Witcher 3 save file download ps4
Many players either haven't gotten the chance to play the original Witcher or it's sequel Assassins of Kings. As such, they are afforded the option to "Simulate a Witcher 2 Save" when starting a new game. If this option is selected, they will be interviewed by Nilfgaardian general Moorvran Voorhis during the early story mission Imperial Audience. Voorhis will ask Geralt a series of questions pertaining to the events of The Witcher 3 save file download ps4 2, which will affect the world and characters during the rest of the game.
Don't steer the conversation away from the topic either, otherwise this witcher 3 save file download ps4 is closed to you. If you choose to unlock Letho he'll be available for a quest line later in the game.
If you wish to encounter Sile de Tansarville later in the main quest, don't tell Voorhis you allowed her to die. If you tell Voorhis that you killed Aryan LaValetteyou'll have a different but not-particularly-significant change in dialog with his mother Moly in a later quest. Players who went through The Witcher and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on PC will be able to continue their adventure by importing completed save files from previous games. Doing this will immediately set the choices you made in previous games into the world of Wild Hunt.
Depending on what choices players made, this will be noticeable at various points thoughout the game - such as whether or not Geralt begins the story with a certain tattoo Odds are good that if you've already played through the previous games on Steam, your data files should automatically be read and you should have the option to Import Witcher 2 Save.
If, witcher 3 save file download ps4, however, the only option that appears when starting a new game is "Simulate Witcher 2 Save," it most likely means your save files from Assassins of Kings are in the wrong folder. Locate the files, then transfer them to:. Once you've copied the files, restart The Witcher 3 and start a new game. If players went through the previous Witcher games on the GoG. Copy these files, then transfer them to whichever drive you have your GoG games installed to, then into the Witcher 3 folder.
Typically, this is:. Once the files have been copied, re-load the game and you should see an "Import Witcher 2 Save" when starting a new game. Last Edited: 3 Nov pm. Simulating a Witcher 2 Save [ edit ] Many players either haven't gotten the chance to play the original Witcher or it's sequel Assassins of Kings, witcher 3 save file download ps4. Importing Previous Saves on PC [ edit ] advertisement.
Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Rated "M". Developer CD Projekt Red. Release Date May 19, Table of Contents. Gwent: Never Fear.
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, time: 5:49Witcher 3 save file download ps4

Oct 17, · The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Save Game Download Completed %. [ GOTY] Credits: Daniil Lord. I need a save file for Witcher 3. download a save file editor, I forget what the one I used was called but when i used it i was able to turn my ps4 save into a pc save and vice-versa it wont help you cheat or anything it just edits your save to be pc format or console format. you can probable find a way to cheat if you want but i cant be. Apr 29, · Huge list of Game Saves for the PS4 console all the PlayStation 4 game saves listed here have been confirmed as working. Total Download Views: 63,, Total Files Served: 6,, Total Size Served: TB. This is my save for Witcher 3 Complete Edition (AKA GOTY).