Apply And Stand a Chance to Get 10 Milion to Achieve Your Dreams

"Timiza Ndoto na Dilibmba” is a contest to fulfill your dream by explaining why your dream have to be fulfilled. The competition aims to achieve dream of a Tanzanian by providing 10 million Tanzanian cash. Competition involves any dream whether starting a business or developing a business, furthering your education, or any other.

This competition was sponsored by one of the owners and founders of Dilibomba Agency, a Tanzanian living in Denmark. By being able to fulfill various dreams including academic and business in and outside Tanzania she has decided to fulfill the Tanzanian dream through this competition.

This competition is managed and run by Dilibomba Agency.

Terms and Conditions

Be a Tanzanian 18 or older

Have a dream you want to achieve; education, business, or other
Do not be an employee of Dilibomba Agency or have a close relationship with someone who works for Dibomba Agency.

Winner will have to attend the official launch of the Dilibomba Agency in Tanzania, to be held in Dar es Salaam in April 2020 (travel and accommodation costs will be provided)

Have at least one ad on

Dilibomba Agency reserves the right to cancel or modify the competition with these terms and conditions without notice in the event of war, catastrophe or any breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside the jurisdiction of the Dibomba Agency. Any changes to the competition will be notified to participants as soon as possible.

The competition will last March 16 - March 31, 2020.

The participant who will be able to give strong reasons for the fulfillment of his dream compared to others and will emerge the winner.

The winner will be announced in April 2020, at the launch of Dilibomba Agency Tanzania.

By participating in this contest, the participant demonstrates their agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions

Apply here

The Contest link;

For more questions about this contest visit our social networking pages

Instagram; @Dilibombaagency

Facebook; Dibomba Agency

Contest End: March 31, 2020