Punjab government has raised the objection on extending the bail of the former PM Nawaz Sharif. The fresh medical reports are demanded to consider the extension in his bail given to him by Lahore High Court in November on medical grounds.
According to the reports, Punjab government has opposed the extension of the bail. This decision will now be taken after the review of the fresh medical reports regarding the health of Nawaz Sharif. The counsel Khawaja Haris asked the court to extend the bail and allow Nawaz Sharif to stay abroad due to health concerns providing the medical reports earlier. The medical reports were reffered to the medical board by the court. The board has refused to give the recommendation for extension citing the reports received as old.
The board also directed the applicant to submit the fresh reports. Nawaz Sharif was given the exemption from the Chaudhary Sugar Mills case on the basis of the medical health concerns approved by the accountability court judge till January 17. The lawyer of Nawaz Sharif was asked by the judge to bring the medical reports, if he receives, on next hearing.
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