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Class XI (Commerce)
Principle Of Economics Guess paper
Micro Economics
Q.1: Difference Between:- Micro VS Macro Economics
- Fixed cost VS Variable cost
- Supply VS Stock
- Arc Elasticity of Demand VS Point Elasticity of Demand
- Internal Economics VS External Economics
- Average cost VS Marginal cost
- Implicitly VS Explicitly
- Demand VS Supply
Q.2: Character
- Monopoly
- Perfect competition
Q.3: Laws
- Diminishing Marginal Returns and Utility
- Law Of Return
- Law Of Demand and Supply
- Law Of Increasing Return
Q.4: Define production and explain its factors.
Q.5: Features of Marshall Economics
Q.6: Economics science and society
Q.7: Short run equilibrium under perfect competition
Macro Economics
Q.8: Difference between- Private finance VS Public finance
- Zakat Vs Tax
- Balance Trade VS Payment Trade
- Real Wage VS National Wage
Q.9: Difficulties of Barter system
Q.10: Character of good Money
Q.11: Define national Income and explain method of National Income
Q.12: Define business cycle and explain its phase