In this world, very few people rise to the climax, of glory and grandeur despite their birth in very poor surroundings. But Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri was an exception. He reached the great height of name and fame. He became the Prime Minister of India after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru .He rose to this great position by dint of his hard work and devotion to duty. He was a selfless worker and a patriot par excellence. He was the core of every Indian heart because of his tremendous service of the country.
Shri Lal Bahadur was born in a very simple and poor family on october 2, 1904. His father was a teacher. His father died all of a sudden when Lal Bahadur was a child. Now his life became all the more poverty-ridden. He went from pillar to post. He faced all the odds very courageously.
In 1920 he took part in the famous Non-cooperation Movement. Later he joined Kashi Vidya Peeth. In 1925 he got his Shastri degree. There after he worked for the country both heart and soul. Now he was a full time congress-member. He served all the great leaders of the time selflessly. He was highly unassuming. He was very meek and gentle. He took an active part in alI the activities of the country. No struggle for the independence of India was great for him. He made every sacrifice for its attainment. He was sent to gaol (jail) many times.
In 1952, he joined the centre as Cabinet Minister for Railways. But he quit on his own owning the moral responsibility of a drastic railway accident. His moral courage was very great. In 1965, Pakistan attacked our territory. Shastri Ji rose to the occasion. He gave the slogan Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan. This new slogan inspired our forces. They were determined to do or die. The farmers grew corn in plenty. We came out with flying colours in the war. But alas, this great son of India was not destined to live long. H died in an alien country Russia. But his mammoth contribution will not go waste. We Indians shall ever remain indebted to him.
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