GSECL Vidyut Sahayak JE Recruitment 2020: Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) Vadodara invites online applications for recruitment posts of Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer and Junior Assistant). The last date for filling online application is 21st January 2020
Name of the Post | Total Vacancies |
Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer - JE) | 107 (Electrical - 44, Mechanical - 30, Instrument & Control - 20, Environment - 02, Electronics & Communication – 06, Metallurgy - 02, Civil - 03) |
Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Assistant) | 69 |
Age Limit (as on 01/01/2020):
Junior Engineer –> 35 Years for General (UR) candidates, 40 Years for SC, ST and SEBC Candidates. The Upper age relaxation - 10 Years for PWD & Ex-armed Force Personnel and 05 Years for Female Candidates.
Junior Assistant –> 30 years for Unreserved; 35 years for Reserved and EWS category. The upper age relaxation 05 years for Female, 10 years for PWD, 10 years for Ex. Armed force Personnel.
Fixed Remuneration:
Junior Engineer –> 1st Year ₹ 37,000/- Incremental Remuneration for 2nd year to 5thyear shall be as per rules.
Junior Assistant –> Fixed Remuneration per month for 1st Year ₹ 17500/- Incremental Remuneration for 2nd year to 5th year shall be as per rules.
Educational Qualification:
Junior Engineer | Full time/ Regular B.E. / B.Tech Engineering Graduate in Electrical / Mechanical / Instrument & Control / Environment / Metallurgy / Civil Engineering discipline from Govt. recognized University. |
Junior Assistant | Full time B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.A. and B.B.A. in regular mode from recognized university duly approved by UGC with minimum 55% in final year. |
Eligibility: Knowledge of Computer operations and Gujarati language is essential.
Application Fee: A non-refundable fee of ₹ 500/- for SEBC & UR Candidates and ₹ 250/- for SC / ST Candidates. The Candidate has to pay application fees On-line through Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.
Selection Process: Online Test. The question paper for the online test shall be consisting of 100 questions and the paper shall be of 100 marks for selection of candidates. The Question Paper will be in English & Gujarati Language". There shall be negative marking system and 1/4th mark for each wrong answer shall be deducted to arrive at total marks scored. The syllabus of test will be displayed on website subsequently.
How to Apply: Eligible Interested Persons apply online through GSECL Web Portal from 1st January 2020. The online registration of application is close on 21/01/2020.
Help Desk: For any query contact Help Desk Phone No.022 – 62507720 which will be available between 10 am to 6 pm on working days (OR) email to