English IX - Chapter No.3 - Reference To Context (Poem Section)

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The Neem Tree (Poem)

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book One For Class IX.
About Poetess: Mrs. Elsa Kazi has written the poem "The Neem Tree". She was a German lady. She wrote poems in German & English. She also helped her husband, Allama I.I. Kazi  in writing his book "Brown Girl In Search Of God". 

Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)

Stanza No.1

1. My lovely Neem,
That intercepts sun's scorching beam,
Yet bears the heat all day
Without the rain's refreshing spray,
Thou charm'st the wanderer's woe away
With soothing shade
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) How can the neem tree prevent the burning heat of the sun from troubling us ?
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
(ii) The Neem Tree bears the heat of the sun itself and protects us from the trouble. It also gives cool shade to the weary people.

Reference : These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
Context : A man should learn the lesson of sacrifice and tolerance from the "The Neem Tree" that human being should live for others.
Explanation : In this stanza, The poetess says that the beautiful Neem Tree checks the burning rays of the sun from falling om the ground. It bears the heat of the sun without waiting for the pleasing showers of rain. It gives comfort to the travelers by providing them cool shade.

Stanza No.2

2. How strong you are, how unafraid,
How green. thy leaves inspite of all
The mid-day flames that burning fall
Upon thy unprotected head ..........
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) In this stanza, who is strong and unafraid.
(iii) Give the central idea of the poem.
(iv) Why does the poetess say that the Neem tree is unafraid ?
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
(ii) The Neem Tree is Strong and unafraid, in this stanza
(iii) This is a great poem written by a German poetess Mrs. Elsa Kazi. This Poem teaching us a lesson of sacrifice through an example of a courageous  The Neem tree. Poetess emphasized people should realize each other problems and resolve them by giving sacrifices and be firm footed.
(iv)The poetess says that The Neem Tree is unafraid because it stands in the open sun without any protection or shelter. It faces boldly and bravely the hot sun.

Reference : These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
Context : A man should learn the lesson of sacrifice and tolerance from the "The Neem Tree" that human being should live for others.
Explanation : In this stanza, The poetess says that The Neem Tree is very strong and brave. It's leaves are green though there is heat. The rays of the sun shine falls at its unprotected head in the afternoon. It bears every pain but does not allow the heat to reach the people. The heat of the sun is stopped by its green leaves.

Stanza No.3

3. Could man be both as thou and rise
Above the earth, with the sheltering arm
To save the suffering ones from harm,
From sorrows, poverty and vice
Through sacrifice
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What does the poet compare the man with? OR How does the poetess compare The Neem Tree to man ?
(iii) Give the central idea of the poem.
(iv) What does The Neem Tree look like ?
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
(ii)  The poetess compares The Neem Tree to a man because she expects that man should be bold and unafraid like The Neem Tree. A bold man himself should suffer like The Neem Tree and provides comfort to others.
(iii) This is a great poem written by a German poetess Mrs. Elsa Kazi. The moral or the central idea of the peom "The Neem tree" is that " the highest aim in life is to serve other people. Man should follow the example of the Neem tree to save the suffering people from harm, sorrow, poverty and vice.

Reference : These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
Context : A man should learn the lesson of sacrifice and tolerance from the "The Neem Tree" that human being should live for others.
Explanation : In these lines, The poetess says that and wishes if man could be as brave as neem tree and try to save the human beings from grief, poverty, harm and wickedness by making sacrifices. The man can look at the life of The Neem Tree and prove himself helpful and tolerant for other people and save them from trouble.


Stanza No.4

4. Could man be steadfast, and like thee
Face every fate, would it not be
Fulfillment of life's loftiest dream
My lovely Neem!.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) Explain the words  'loftiest dream'.
(iii) What lesson does the poem The Neem Tree teach ?
(iv) What according to the poetess is the highest aim of life?
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
(ii) Loftiest dream means noble dream. The poetess wishes a man could be firm footed like The Neem Tree and face every fate boldly. Which is the completion of the best dreams of her life.
(iii)  The peom "The Neem Tree" teaches us the lesson of sacrifice. We should bear hardships for others. It should be the aim of our life.
(iv) According to the poetess, the highest aim of life is to face every difficulty in order to protect others from harm, sorrows, poverty and sin.

Reference : These lines have been taken from the poem "The Neem Tree" written by the poetess Mrs.Elsa Kazi.
Context : A man should learn the lesson of sacrifice and tolerance from the "The Neem Tree" that human being should live for others.
Explanation : In these lines, The poetess wishes if a man could be firm footed like The Neem Tree and face every fate boldly. If he do so, it will be the completion of the best dreams of her life. So a man should follow the life of Neem Tree to face everything for the betterment of others.


About The Poet:
The poem has been written by Mrs: Esla Kazi, The German wife of Allama I.I Kazi; who was vice chancellor of the Sindh University (Jamshoro). She wrote in German and English language.
Summary :
The poetess gives us the lesson of sacrifice. The aim of life of every one should be to have consideration for others. We should be steadfast and bear hardships like "Neem Tree" for comfort to others. In the poem "The Neem Tree" the poetess describes that the neem tree is very useful for human beings in many ways.
God created it with great purpose. It's shade gives comfort weary people and permanent relief to the travelers who come to sit under it. The Neem Tree bears heat of the sun. Human beings should also be helpful and protect their fellowmen from harm, sorrow, poverty, wickedness and misfortunes. Every man should be kind, generous and cooperative like Neem Tree.
