English IX - Chapter No.14 - Reference To Context (Prose Section)

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The Great War Hero

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book One For Class IX

Explain With Reference To Context (Prose)

1. "Do not recall me. I don't want to go back. I will shed the last drop of my blood in the defence of my dear homeland". (KHI Board, Science Group 2019)
(i)  Name the speaker and the lesson.
(ii) Why did his commanding officer want him to take a little rest?
(iii) Why did speaker do not want to go back?

(i) These words were spoken by "Major Aziz Bhatti"  and The Lesson is "The Great War Hero".
(ii) A day before his martyrdom, the commanding officer had sent him word that since he had been fighting untiringly for the last six days, he should take a little rest and another officer was being sent to replace him.
(iii) Major Aziz replied his commander not to recall him, because he did not want to go back. He was filled with the spirit of Jehad and he would shed the last drop of his blood in the defense his dear homeland.

