SDO Junior Engineer Job in MEPCO

MEPCO is one of the biggest Distribution Company under PEPCO. The Charter of MEPCO is to
provide reliable and safe electric power supply to the consumers in its Jurisdiction. Applications are invited through National Testing Services (NTS) for appointment of SDO I J.Es in MEPCO, for a period of one (01) year on contract basis further extendable on satisfactory performance. All  quota will be observed as per Government of Pakistan policy.
The requisite qualification/experience and other conditions are given as under:
SDO Junior Engineer Job in MEPCO

 Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before applying at National Testing Service (NTS) website i.e.


Written Test will be carried out through M/s NTS for the sake of transparency and fair play as per criteria. Candidates will apply online on prescribed application form available on NTS website No application shall be entertained at MEPCO Head Quarter.

  1. General age relaxation has already been included in the age limit mentioned above. No further age relaxation is allowed in the prescribed age limit except candidates belonging to Scheduled Casts, Buddhist, FATA / GB & AJK are allowed 03 x years and for disabled person 10 x years relaxation in upper age limit. Age will be counted from the closing date fixed for receipt of applications.
  2. Photocopies of educational / experience certificate(s) are not required at this stage. However, original educational documents / certificates will be provided / presented by the candidate and the same will be checked at the time of interview.
  3. Government Servants I WAPDA I DISCOs employees are advised to apply through proper channel. 10 years age relaxation upto the age of 55 years is allowed to those who have completed two (02) years continuous Govt. service on closing date of application.
  4. Serving candidates are advised to produce NOC at the time of interview.
  5. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview alongwith original documents duly verified from HEC / concerned board / University and a set of attested copies of result / certificates / degrees / PEC registration certificate. In case any information furnished by the applicant is found fake or bogus, candidature of particular candidate shall stand cancelled and legal action shall be taken against the particular candidate during any stage of recruitment process and later on.
  6.  No TA / DA will be allowed to candidates for test or interview.
  7. Candidates who don't have PEC Registration are not eligible to apply for the post of Jr. Engineer (BPS-17). Candidates awaiting their results are also not eligible.
  8. Dismissed / terminated employees of any organization or having criminal record are not eligible for employment in MEPCO.
  9.  Candidates may visit National Testing Service website ( for any query / inquiry  regarding written test, display of provisional & final list of candidates, roll number slips, test centers, results etc.
  10.  Candidates shall send their application and fee deposit slip directly to NTS office. Applicants are advised to regularly check NTS website for important announcements i.e.
  11. for provisional eligibility / in-eligibility list, procedures for Roll No. Slip / Screening Test Schedule/ Result etc. related to recruitment against above post.
  12. The candidates will also be informed by NTS about test schedule via SMS on given mobile number.
  13.  Candidates can also download their Roll No Slips from NTS website.
  14.   After scrutiny of applications: the list of in-eligible candidates will be uploaded on the website of  NTS for information of all concerned. Any candidate who has any grievance regarding in-eligibility shall be required to lodge inquiry/ complaint on NTS website within 03 days of uploading of the list of in eligible candidates. No complaint shall be entertained by NTS after cut-off date.
  15.  Candidates shall not be allowed to appear in written test unless they produce original CNIC / Passport on the day of written test.
  16. Candidates if selected will be required to perform duties anywhere within jurisdiction of MEPCO.
  17. Incomplete applications or applications containing incorrect information or received after due date shall not be entertained
  18. MEPCO reserves the right to withhold / cancel the whole recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason.


  • Please download the application form and deposit slip from National Testing Service (NTS) Pakistan website ( and submit the prescribed Bank Challan in any branch of UBL, HBL, MCB or ABL. est fee is Rs. 599/-. However, 50% of the test fee to be borne by the candidate and 50% by the MEPCO as per instructions / guidelines of Establishment Division. Accordingly, candidate shall  submit application forms duly filled in alongwith prescribed fee i.e. Rs.300/- in favour of NTS. Remaining 50% fee shall be paid by MEPCO directly to NTS as per agreement.
  • Deposited amount is non-refundable / non-transferable.
  • Candidates are required to send signed application form along with original paid challan, attested copy of CNIC and two recent passport size photographs through courier service / Pakistan post etc; to, Manager Operations, National Testing Service (NTS) Pakistan, Plot No. 96, Street  No. 04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad, within 15 days after the publication of advertisement.
  • Applications received after closing date will not be entertained.
  • Please keep visiting NTS website regularly for test schedule, updates and results.
  • If you do not find answer to your query, please call NTS helpline: 051-8444441.


Candidates are advised that nobody can help you in the selection process, so do not make any contact to any such person who claims that he / she can make your selection possible MEPCO's selection process is transparent according to policy of Government of Pakistan and Misappropriated rules and regulations, so nobody can help any candidate in this regard. for more details visi