education book for 1st year in urdu pdf

If you are the students of f a part 1, or you are 1st year student doing simple f.a you should select education as an elective subject. Many students study education to get good marks and to go into the Education department in the future. Anyhow, whatever your objective is, you must read textbooks as well when you prepare for the exams.

Education Book for F A in Urdu

So, while purchasing and keeping the books in your bag and carrying them daily to college or academy is really a hard task. You can now read pdf books. If you are a technology lover and want to study the books on your mobile phone, you can do it. Punjab Textbook and curriculum board Lahore PCTB has converted all books in PDF and you can download these books from their website. I have also given a link to download the education book for 1st year from there website.

1st year Education book PDF

Now if you want to download the book, you can see the link below. I am preparing the notes of education for 1st year and you will get it and a link will be given here on this page when they are completed and uploaded on this website.
education book for f a part 1 pdf

Download PDF

You may want to see the following notes and other resources helpful to you:
1. Punjab Text book Board Books PDF
2. 1st year books in PDF
3. 1st year education guess paper
4. 1st year Education Notes
5. 1st year education paper pattern
6. how to attempt 1st year education paper
7. 2nd year education book in urdu
8. 1st year pdf notes
9. 2nd year books

I am preparing the notes and key books. You will find them here once they are final. Note that short questions of education come from the texts for the book. exercise short questions come in fewer numbers. I will give you the list of important long questions on education for the year 2020 in march 2020.