Physics Practical XI (Science Group) - Marks Distribution According

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Physics Practical (First Year)

Physics 1

Time: 02 Hours          Max. Marks 08 (Points: 80)
* Marks are written in blue*
Q.1:  Using Vernier Callipers determine the volume of given solid cylinder and capacity of a test tube / tube.
(a) Note down
  • (i) The least count of vernier calipers - (1)
  • (ii) The zero error - (1)
  • (iii) Take two observations for diameter and length 'L' after solid cylinder. - (2)
  • (iv) Take two observations of internal diameter and depth of the test tube or tube. - (2)
(b) Calculate the volume of solid cylinder and capacity of test tube or tube using formula  - (2)
Volume = 𝞹r2L   and  capacitor = 𝞹R2d
(c) Write down the result with proper units - (1)

Q.2:  Using micrometer Screw gauge determine the volume of given sphere and area of cross section of the given wire.
(a) Note down
  • (i) The least count of Micrometer Screw gauge - (1)
  • (ii) The zero error - (1)
  • (iii) Take two observations for diameter of sphere. - (2)
  • (iv) Take two observations of diameter of wire. - (2)
(b) Calculate the volume of sphere and area of cross section of the wire using formula  - (2)
V = 4/3 𝞹r3   and   A = 𝞹R2
(c) Write down the result with proper units - (1)

Q.3:  Using spherometer determine the radius of curvature of spherical surface and thickness of glass piece.
(a) Note down
  • (i) The least count of spherometer - (1)
  • (ii) Mean distance 'a' between the leg of spherometer - (0.5)
  • (iii) Take two observations for plane glass sheet (h1). - (1.5)
  • (iv) Take two observations for glass piece (h2). - (1.5)
  • (v) Take two observations for spherical surface (h3). - (1.5)
(b) Calculate the radius of curvature of spherical surface and thickness of glass piece using formula (2)
Radius of curvature  R = a2 /6h + h/2    and   Thickness of glass piece  = h2 - h1
(c) Write down the result with proper units - (1)

Q.4: Find out the value of 'g' by simple pendulum using formula
g = 4𝞹2 L/T2   - (2)
(i) Determine time for ten oscillations twice for each length given below - (6)
(a) 75cm  |  (b) 85cm  |  (c) 95cm  |  (d) 105cm  |  (e) 115cm
Draw graph between L and T2 By choosing a suitable point on the graph (other than observation)
Calculate value of 'g'
(ii) Write down the result with proper units - (1)

Q.5: Verify the Laws of simple pendulum
(a) Law of length
  • (i) Take two readings for each given length
  • (a) 80cm | (b) 90cm | (c) 100cm - (3)
  • (ii) Plot graph b/w L and time period 'T' OR L and T2 - (1)
(b) Law of amplitude
  • (i)Take two readings for each given amplitude
  • (a) 5cm | (b) 7cm | (c) 9cm - (3)
  • (ii) Plot graph b/w amplitude and time period 'T' - (1)
(b) Law of Mass
  • (i)Take two readings for each given mass
  • (a) m1 = ___ | (b) m2 = ___ | (c) m3 = ___ - (3)
  • (ii) Plot graph b/w mass and time period 'T' - (1)
(c) Write down conclusive result - (1)

Q.6: Determine the surface tension of water by capillary method - (6)
(a) Calculate the value of surface tension using formula - (2)
T = 1/2 pgrh
(b) Write down the result with suitable units. - (1)

Q.7: Determine the refractive index of water using a concave mirror
(i) Draw ray diagram - (1)
(ii) Take two observation of radius of curvature of concave mirror without water (R1) - (2.5)
(iii)  Take two observation of radius of curvature of concave mirror with water (R2) - (2.5)
(iv) Calculate refractive index of water by using formula - (1)
𝝁 = R1 / R2
(v) Calculate the percentage error - (1)
(b) Write down result - (1)

Q.8: Find the focal length of convex lens by no parallax method using two pins
  • (i) Find out the approximate focal length = _____ - (0.5)
  • (ii) Draw ray diagram for any one position of object - (0.5)
(b) Record at least five observations by placing object pin at a distance - (5)
  • (i) Away from 2f (Two observations)
  • (ii) Equal to 2f (One observation)
  • (iii) Between 2f and f (Two observations)
  • (i) Plot a graph between 'p' and 'q'
  • (ii) By choosing a suitable point on graph (other than observation). Calculate focal length using formula - (2)
    f = p x q / p + q 
(d) Write down the result with proper unit - (1)

Q.9: Determine the refractive index of the material of a prism  by critical angle method
(i) Take three observations - (6)
(ii) Calculate refractive index for all observation with formula - (2)
𝝁 = 1 / SinC
and find its mean
(b) Write down result - (1)

Q.10: Determine speed of sound at 0℃ and at room temperature using two tuning forks of different frequencies and resonance tube apparatus.
(a) Note down room temperature t = ______ ℃ - (1)
  • (i) Record three observation for 1st resonating length by using 1st tuning fork - (2.5)
  • (ii) Record three observation for 1st resonating length by using 2nd tuning fork - (2.5)
  • (i) Calculate speed of sound at room temperature for each tuning fork using formula - (1)
    Vt = 4Lf
  • and calculate mean
  • (ii) Calculate speed of sound at 0℃ using formula
    Vo = Vt - 61t
(d) Write down the results with proper units - (1)

Q.11: Determine the refractive index of the material of a glass slab
(a) Take two observations along length - (3)
(b) Take two observations along breadth - (3)
(c) Calculate refractive index of glass using formula  - (1)
𝝁 = Real depth / Apparent depth
(b) Write down result - (1)
