Pakistan Studies For Class IX - Chapter No.1 - Short Questions and Answer

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(Short Question Answers)

      Q.1:  What is Ideology? 
     Ans: Ideology means are:
      ➤ Ideology is a svstematlc body of concepts especially about life or culture.
      ➤ It comes from divine guidance or from great minds.
      ➤ It constitutes a system of human life including assertions, theories and objectives of  life.
      ➤ In a society, the individuals should have  common belief, customs and traditions.
      ➤ The word ideology is a combination of two components namely "idea" and "log" (Idea means concept or theory and logy means science or theory.

     Q.2:   What is an Islamic society?  Write main characteristic of t Muslim society?
    Ans; Islamic Society (Main Characteristics Of Muslim Society):
        ➤ An Islamic society is based on the Quran and the Sunnah.
        ➤ All the rules and regulation of Islamic society are made from the teachings of  Islam.
        ➤ It s characterized by respect for humanity, tolerance,  justice,  equality and peaceful coexistence.
        ➤ People are bound to lead their life according to the Islamic code of conduct in an Islamic society.

     Q.3: What are the sources of  Islamic Ideology?
     Ans: Sources Of ISlamic Ideology are:
        ➤ The Quran: It is a complete code of life .and  it is a permanent source of  Islamic ideology andd gives guidance to mankind in every walk  of  life.
        ➤ The Sunnah:  All the words and deeds of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) comprise the Sunnah. It is the detailed explanation of the teachings of the Quran.
        ➤ Traditions and Cultural Values: All the traditions and cultural values which are based on
the Quran and the Sunnah provide a source of Islamic ideology.
       ➤ Main Sources of Islamic Ideology: The main source of  Islamic ideology are only the Quran and the Sunnah.

    Q.4: What is the significance /importance of Ideology?
   Ans: Significance or Importance of Islamic Ideology:
       ➤ Ideology determines the way of people's living, thinking and social interaction.
       ➤ It is a source of unity among the people.
       ➤ It helps preserving freedom, culture and traditions.
       ➤ It gives impetus to make right decisions and make progress.
       ➤ It develops the feeling of love with religion and homeland.
       ➤ It prepare for every sacrifice at the time of need.

    Q.5:  What are the contents of an ideology?
    Ans: Contents of Ideology:
    ➤ Common religion:  It is the binding force for people.
    ➤ Common Culture:  It also keeps the people united.
    ➤ Common cause :  It is also an important content of ideology. Pakistan was created through common cause.
    ➤ Dedication: The  dedication of some noble aims is an important content of ideology too.

     Q.6: What is the basis of ideology of Pakistan?
     Ans: Basis Of Ideology Of Pakistan:
         ➤ Doctrine of faith: The most essential element of the faith is the sovereignty of Allah and the prophet hood of  Hazrat  Mohammad (Peace be upon him).
         ➤ Social Dealings: Justice and equity constitute the social system of  Islam.
         ➤ Non-Discrimination:  There are no discrimination against any one in Islam. All are equal before the law.
         ➤ Islam:  It is the basis of  ideology of Pakistan.

       Q.7  What are the principles of democracy in Islam?
     Ans:   Principles Of Democracy In Islam:
       ➤ Justice:  Islam puts great emphasis on justice as It make any society peaceful and prosperous.
       ➤ Equality:  Islam calls for equality among people.All are equal before law.
       ➤ Fraternity:  It means brother hood.  .According to the Quran, all believers are brothers to each other.
       ➤ Tolerance :  Islam call for tolerance. The best way to develop social relation is to practice tolerance.

    Q.8:  What were Allama Iqbal's statements on the ideology of Pakistan?
   Ans Allama Iqbal's statement on the ideology of Pakistan:
        ➤ Allama Iqbal made the demand for a separate state for the Muslims of India first of all
in 1930.
       ➤ He said that the Muslim nation had a unique religion and culture so they should have their separate homeland.
       ➤ He  said  that  Punjab, Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa,  Sindh  and  Baluchistan should  be
amalgamated into a single state.
       ➤ He said that North West Muslim state appeared to be the final destiny of Muslims
and his vision came true.
       ➤ He said that India was a sub-continent and not a country where people belonging to
different religions and speaking different languages were inhabitant.

      Q.9: What were Quaid-e-Azam's statements on the ideology of Pakistan? 
        Ans: Quaid-e-Azam's Statements On The Ideology Of Pakistan:
          ➤ Quaid-e-Azam said that it would be a dream to think that the Hindus and Muslims
would from a common nation.
         ➤ He demanded Pakistan where the Muslims could practice a system based on Islamic principles.
         ➤ He said that the Hindus and the   Muslims belonged to two different civilizations having
different  religjous and social systems so they could  not live together.
         ➤ He said that Pakistan had came into being the day the first non-Muslim was converted to Islam in India.
        ➤ He said that lndia    had never been a single country. He also mentioned that difference on  cultural, social and economic values was ideological in nature.

         Q.10: What is the of ideology in building national characters?
       Ans: Role Of Ideology In Building National Character:
          ➤ Firm Belief In the Ideology:  It contributes to the development of national character.
Our ideology stems from Islam.
          ➤ Commitment:  It means devotion. We should be committed to our country.
          ➤ Honesty And Patriotism:  We should be honest and patriotic to our country. These elements are necessary for building our national character.
          ➤ Hard Work And National Interests: A hard working nation who has priority of national interests over self-interests make great progress.

        Q.11: How is an Islamic society unique as compared to other societies?
      Ans:  Islamic Society v/s other Societies:
           ➤ An Islamic society is unique as compared to other societies as it is based on the Quran and the Sunnah.
          ➤ Ail rules and regulations of the Islamic society are framed on the teachings of Islam.
          ➤ The individuals lead  their lives in conformity with the Islamic code of life In a Islamic society.
          ➤ Islamic society is characterized by the divine principle of respect for humanity,  tolerance justice, equity and mutual coexistence:.
          ➤ Islam is a universal religion presents a complete code of  life for the whole humanity.