English IX - Chapter No.5 - Text Book Exercise

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Helen Keller


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Textual Study

1. Learn the following words:

Fortune,  Fortunate,  Misfortune,  Happy,  Unhappy,  Sad,  Cheerful

1- opposite of  Fortune,  Fortunate is  Misfortune.
2- opposite of Happy is Unhappy,
3- opposite of Sad is Cheerful.

2. Read the following sentences carefully:

(i) The Doctor Look after his patient.
(ii) Miss Sullivan was kind and patient.

Note:  In the first sentence, The word patient is used as a  noun and in second, it is used as an  adjective. Both are different in meaning and sense.

Patient ( noun ): Sick  person .
Patient (adjective): Able to accept or tolerate problems , kind



1. Write in ten lines what you know about Helen Keller?
1- Helen Keller was born in the year 1880 in a little town of USA.
2- In February 1882, when she was 2 years old. Helen Keller fell dangerously ill.  As a result of which she became blind and deaf.
3- At seven she started studying
4- When Helen was eight. she had forgotten how to speak.
5- At the age of ten, she was able to speak by touch and feel method.
6- She also learnt to read books which were printed with raised points instead of letters.
7- She had graduated from Harvard University where she proved to be a better student than many other.
8- She had also written books and articles.
9- She passed her whole life helping blind and deaf children.
10- Helen Keller visited Pakistan in 1956. She was 76 years old. She came to our country to help the blind and the deaf

Q.2: What was her message to the blind and deaf children?
        Write in first Person. Use the following vocabulary , Start like this.
Ans. Helen Keller said to the blind and deaf children,
"My dear sons and daughters! Always  be happyand cheerful. Never  curse your fate.  You can read and write. You can lead a useful lifeYou can doevery thing in this world. Best of luck and  good bye."

Study of Structure


1- How fortunate are those born with eyes to see!
2- What a misfortune!
3-What a joy!
4-What a nice school!
Note: The above mentioned sentence express "strong feeling". They are called Exclamatory  sentences.

Here are some more example of exclamatory sentences:

1- What a long hair!
2- How nice!
3- How big!
4- How wonderful to be with you!


Make five exclamatory sentences using the following adjectives: 
clever, great, bright, wonderful, dull.

1- How clever she is!
2- What a great news!
3- What a bright day!
4- How wonderful the match was!
5- What a dull girl!

2. Imperative:
I.    (a).Give me the book.
      (b). Shut the door.
      (c). Be quiet.

Compare the above sentences with the following ones:

II.   (a). Please give me the book.
       (b). Shut the door, please.
       (c). Please be quiet.

Note: The sentences as (I) above, express commands or orders and those at (II) above express requests. A sentence that express a command or request is called an 'Imperative Sentence'.


Make ten imperative sentences. Five should show commands and the rest five should show 
requests. Use the following verbs.
open, make, get, go , work. 


1- Open the door.
2- Make a list of books.
3- Get up.
4- Go and make a cup of tea for me.
5- Work hard.


1- Open the door, please.
2- Please make a list of books.
3- Please get up early in the morning.
4- Please go to your work.
5- please work hard, if you want to success in exams.


3. Look, Seem, Feel + Adjectives.

(a). She looked very unhappy.
(b). Her parents feel sorry for her.
(c). Helen felt excited.
(d). This orange looks ripe.
(e) This cloth feel soft.
(f) This wrist watch seems to be very happy.
(g) Everybody seems to be sad on her untimely death.


Study the above mentioned sentences carefully and make five more, with the same verbs, using the following adjectives: happy,  clean, sad, sweet, ill.

1- She looked very happy.
2- This room seems very clean.
3- Allan felt sad.
4- This strawberries seems sweet in taste.
5- He felt ill because of cold.


4. Use of two adjectives:

(a). Some people are bold and courageous.
(b). She is social and friendly.
(c). She was deaf and blind but studied in the university.
(d). Always be happy and cheerful.
(e). He is a nice smart fellow.
(f). She writes in a beautiful neat hand.

Note: The use of two adjectives stresses and emphasize the qualities of a noun as well as give force to the language.


Make ten sentences of your own using two adjectives together.

1- This shop is much bigger and nicer.
2- I have a small red car
3- The restaurant is fabulous and French.
4- She met a tall American man.
5- The food was delicious and elegant.
6- The playroom has six plastic tables.
7- It was a beautiful cold day.
8- She was sad and alone.
9- Antarctica is a cold and barren continent.
10- He is eating fresh and juicy apple.

